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Repositorio de Datos del Consorcio Madroño
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1 to 10 of 9,828 Results
Feb 14, 2025 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ballester, Estefania; Rubio, Natalia; Ruiz Mafé, Carla, 2025, "Follower engagement with eco-friendly restaurants in Instagram", https://doi.org/10.21950/IXYXYZ, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This project analyzes the impact of customer journey automation through Artificial intelligence on customer engagement, mediated by brand experience, social cognition and psichological ownership. The dataset includes 3 files employed in the publications "Emojis and Users’ Brand E...
Binario SPSS - 26,1 KB - MD5: f403c630fa50fa04e5d98357844e5d4e
Adobe PDF - 96,2 KB - MD5: adce6c3b29a4db38899fed0eb73fc9fd
Adobe PDF - 361,4 KB - MD5: eccdf314a4f8fe263b7bef5d1980045f
Texto plano - 5,1 KB - MD5: f7b3786d7bc0fc8816ca3230f8ebb267
Feb 14, 2025 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Ponce Alcantara, Salvador; Vilanova Martínez, Raquel; Martin Villalba, Carla; Sanchez, Guillermo; Urquia, Alfonso, 2025, "Aging of Samsung INR21700-50E Li-ion cells", https://doi.org/10.21950/HZ7YOP, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This experimental work is part of the "Work Package 4 - Diagnosis of Li-ion cells and modules" of the project "Research and development of a highly automated and safe streamlined process for increased Lithium-ion battery repurposing and recycling". Acro...
Archivo ZIP - 690,1 MB - MD5: c89b4f1824699c3899757cbd92cdbcc7
Dataset file
Texto plano - 16,2 KB - MD5: 60c45ad853259ce133467d8bdc458952
Description file
Feb 14, 2025 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Rubio González, Miguel Angel; Vilanova Martínez, Raquel; López Sanfeliciano, Antonio; Sanz, Victorino; Sanchez, Guillermo, 2025, "Experiments to diagnose the SoH of Samsung INR21700-50E Li-ion Cells", https://doi.org/10.21950/MDCJIZ, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This experimental work is part of the "Work Package 4 - Diagnosis of Li-ion cells and modules" of the project "Research and development of a highly automated and safe streamlined process for increased Lithium-ion battery repurposing and recycling". Acro...
Archivo ZIP - 1,7 GB - MD5: 5ec413bd338d99e4571e7b806749233e
Dataset file
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