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1 a 10 de 157 Resultados
26 feb 2025
Sánchez-López, Rubén, 2025, "Software perteneciente al Sistema de Observación de la Competencia Futbolística (FOCOS)",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
El Sistema de Observación de la Competencia Futbolística (FOCOS) fue la primera herramienta observacional, diseñada ad hoc y recogida en la literatura científica, que se estructuró de forma interactiva a partir de los roles, las acciones de los subroles, los principios operaciona...
26 feb 2025
Requena Rolanía, Jose María; Solana, Jose Carlos; Sanchez-Salvador, Alejandro; Adán Jiménez, Javier, 2025, "Leishmania braziliensis (strain M2904) sequencing reads generated from total RNA by Oxford Nanopore technology",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This project was aimed to sequence total RNA from Leishmania braziliensis promastigotes using the Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) methodology. This dataset consists of two Fastq files, generated by MinION Mk1C (ONT) MC-114562 device (Basecalling was performed with MinKNOW (ONT)...
20 feb 2025
Alonso-Recio, Laura, 2025, "Cognitive profile in PD",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The Project was designed to analyze the cognitive heterogeneity in PD patients using a novel data driven approach, the Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), to classify patients according to cognitive characteristics. This dataset include information about general and specific cognitive...
20 feb 2025
Alonso-Recio, Laura, 2025, "Facial expression recognition in MCI",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This projects aims to investigate the ability to recognize emotional facial expressions in MCI individuals compared to healthy elderly and young individuals. This dataset include the perfomance of 27 MCI individual, 31 healthy elderly and 29 healtthy Young participants using two...
20 feb 2025
Alonso-Recio, Laura, 2025, "Prediction of cognitive impairment in PD by MoCA",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The aim of this project is to analyze the capacity of the MoCA to detect cognitive impairment in PD, and also to identify anterior and posterior profiles defined by the dual síndrome hypothesis This dataset include information 59 patients with idiopathic PD were studied with the...
20 feb 2025
Alonso-Recio, Laura, 2025, "Social Cognition in PD",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The aim of this project is to assess the SC construct and to explore its relationship with cognitive state in PD patients. This dataset include the perfomance of 19 PD patients with cognitive decline, 27 cognitively preserved PD patients and 29 healthy control in social perceptio...
14 feb 2025
Ballester, Estefania; Rubio, Natalia; Ruiz Mafé, Carla, 2025, "Follower engagement with eco-friendly restaurants in Instagram",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This project analyzes the impact of customer journey automation through Artificial intelligence on customer engagement, mediated by brand experience, social cognition and psichological ownership. The dataset includes 3 files employed in the publications "Emojis and Users’ Brand E...
12 feb 2025
Iranzo, Esperanza C.; Ohrens, Omar; Mata, Cristina; Traba, Juan; Acebes Vives, Pablo; González, Benito A.; Tortato, Fernando R.; Hoogesteijn, Rafael; Goic, Dania; Elbroch, Lawrence Mark; Malo Arrazola, Juan Esteban, 2025, "When more pumas (Puma concolor) do not change perception: The mismatched response of ranchers to the presence of a top carnivore. Raw data",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Structured interviews with livestock ranchers were conducted in the proposed Torres del Paine UNESCO-Biosphere Reserve (Chilean Patagonia) in 2011 and 2018. We recorded information regarding their perceptions of puma presence, the potential danger pumas pose to livestock, livesto...
12 feb 2025
González Rodríguez, David; Aparicio, Fatima; Sancho Casado, Irene; Chamorro, Paula Blue; González Sánchez, Marina; Pujals, Sílvia; Vega-Mayoral, Victor, 2025, "Self-assembly of chemically programmed amphiphiles into aqueous nanotubes with a lipophilic lumen",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The creation of complex hollow nanostructures with precise control over size and shape represents a great challenge in supramolecular soft materials. Here, we have further developed a bioinspired methodology for the formation of aqueous nanotubes of well-defined dimensions and po...
5 feb 2025
Sánchez-Fernández, David; García Calvo, José; Torres, Tomás, 2025, "Controlling the symmetry of perylene derivatives via selective Or-tho-Borylation: Raw data",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This work presents a systematic and rational approach to the synthesis of previously reported as well as novel tetra- and di- ortho-borylated perylene, perylenediimide, and perylenemonoimide scaffolds. Through optimization of reaction conditions, employing [Ir(OMe)(COD)]₂ as a ca...
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