e-cienciaDatos web Survey
e-cienciaDatos is the research data repository of the Consorcio Madroño Universities. It is a member of the Harvard Dataverse Network, suitable for major publishers (Elsevier, Springer, etc.). It is H2020 compliant.
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1 to 10 of 78 Results
Feb 6, 2025
VIDAL DUARTE, NORA; VENTURA SANCHEZ-HORNEROS, MARIA; Fernando Martínez Castillejo; Melero, Juan Antonio, 2025, "Replication Data for Selective extraction of high-added value carboxylic acids from aqueous fermentative effluents with hydrophobic eutectic solvents (HES)", https://doi.org/10.21950/W4QCVE, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Recovering these carboxylic acids from the fermentative streams in a sustainable, green, and economical way is a significant challenge. This work assessed hydrophobic eutectic solvents (HES) – water-immiscible – for the selective recovery of carboxylic acids via liquid-liquid ext... |
Jan 22, 2025
Martínez García, isabel; Pérez-Quintanilla, Damián; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2025, "Effect of various culinary treatments on the glycoalkaloid content of potato peel", https://doi.org/10.21950/LQS3JV, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the Table 1.aSBET: specific Surface area calculated by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. bBJH pore diameter: estimated by Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) model applied in the desorption branch. cPore volume: total pore volume measured at relat... |
Jan 17, 2025
González Muñoz, Sandra, 2025, "Experiments pictures from the article: egusphere-2024-852", https://doi.org/10.21950/WVB8ZO, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Pictures of the different experiments carried out for the article entitled: Influence of lateral heterogeneities on strike-slip fault behaviour: insights from analogue models. The authors are the following: Sandra González-Muñoz, Guido Schreurs, Timothy Schmid, and Fidel Martín-G... |
Jan 10, 2025
González-Gómez, Lorena; Casado-Hidalgo, Gema; Gañán Aceituno, Judith; Pérez-Quintanilla, Damián; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2025, "Evaluating the stability of tropane and opium alkaloids during baking in homemade gluten-free poppy seed crackers", https://doi.org/10.21950/DQRJZQ, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes Table 1. Recovery percentages (% ± SD) for tropane (10 µg/kg) and opium alkaloids (1500 µg/kg) in commercial crackers using SBA-15-SO3H-CN material as sorbent in solid-phase extraction (SPE); Table 2. Recovery values (%) obtained applying the SLE and SPE, l... |
Jan 10, 2025
Berumen, Sergio A.; Rabadán Pérez, Francisco, 2025, "El Homo economicus a examen: perfiles éticos de directivos de startups españolas", https://doi.org/10.21950/9213LA, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Con el objetivo de identificar perfiles de Homo economicus, se sometió a sesenta directivos de startups españolas a la toma de decisiones sobre situaciones hipotéticas éticamente comprometidas. Para el efecto se han combinado dos metodologías: (i) cualitativa, mediante la constru... |
Jan 9, 2025
López Galisteo, Antonio Julio; Borras-Gene, Oriol, 2025, "Creation and Evaluation of an AI Assistant (GPT) for Educational Experience Design", https://doi.org/10.21950/YDZDVG, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset corresponds to the article titled 'Creation and Evaluation of an AI Assistant (GPT) for Educational Experience Design' In this work, an assistant created through ChatGPT was validated by designing various scenarios and tests for each of them. This dataset includes th... |
Dec 19, 2024
Polledo Zulueta, Yenisley, 2024, "Base de Datos de Proyectos I+D sobre Ética de la comunicación desarrollados por las universidades españolas ( 2007-2022)", https://doi.org/10.21950/BLXUB6, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Esta base de datos registra amplia información sobre los PI+D desarrollados en España entre 2007 y 2022 para el estudio de la ética de la comunicación mediática. En este registro se completan 15 años de la productividad investigadora en comunicación en la universidad española. Lo... |
Dec 12, 2024
Sánchez-Barba, Luis F.; Garcés, Andrés; Lara-Sánchez, Agustín; Navarro, Marta; González-Lizana,David, 2024, "Main advances in the application of scorpionate-based catalytic systems for the preparation of sustainable polymers", https://doi.org/10.21950/MVYQII, e-cienciaDatos, V3
This database organizes references from the review article according to its sections. The first section includes references from the article's introduction, accompanied by brief comments highlighting relevant information from each citation. In the second section, we discuss citat... |
Nov 10, 2024
Jiménez-Díaz, Alberto; Ruiz, Javier; Kirby, Jon F.; Romeo, Ignacio; Tejero, Rosa; Capote, Ramón, 2024, "Crustal thickness and effective elastic thickness models of Venus", https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.12749134
Global crustal thickness and effective elastic thickness models of Venus from gravity and topography. Reference: Jiménez-Díaz, A., Ruiz, J., Kirby, J.F., Romeo, I., Tejero, R., Capote, R., 2015. Lithospheric structure of Venus from gravity and topography. Icarus 260, 215–231. htt...Dataset recolectado desde DataCite con autores de la URJC. El enlace le llevará directamente a los datos originales en dicho archivo. |
Nov 6, 2024
Candel, Francisco Javier; Viayna, Elisabet; Callejo, Daniel; Ramos Lobo, Raúl; San Román Montero, Jesús; Barreiro, Pablo; Carretero, María del Mar; Kolipiński, Adam; Canora, Jesús; Zapatero, Antonio; Runken, M. Chris, 2025, "Data set for a predictive model for Spain on the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis", https://doi.org/10.34810/DATA111
The global COVID-19 spread has forced countries to implement non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) to preserve health systems. Spain is one of the most severely impacted countries, both clinically and economically. In an effort to support policy decision-making, Candel et al.(2...Dataset recolectado desde Cora con autores de la URJC. El enlace le llevará directamente a los datos originales en dicho archivo. |