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31 a 40 de 9.882 Resultados
Texto plano - 8,0 KB - MD5: c0135d395ab8ee5737c6a7ba4b64337f
26 feb 2025 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Requena Rolanía, Jose María; Solana, Jose Carlos; Sanchez-Salvador, Alejandro; Adán Jiménez, Javier, 2025, "Leishmania braziliensis (strain M2904) sequencing reads generated from total RNA by Oxford Nanopore technology",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This project was aimed to sequence total RNA from Leishmania braziliensis promastigotes using the Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) methodology. This dataset consists of two Fastq files, generated by MinION Mk1C (ONT) MC-114562 device (Basecalling was performed with MinKNOW (ONT)...
Desconocido - 36,1 MB - MD5: 58773f9bfc3a658510ee3b1bb34561f5
This file contains 20,227 reads that did not pass the filter.
24 feb 2025 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Herrero- Alonso, Diego; Maíllo Fernández, José Manuel; Abellán-Beltrán, Natalia; Moral, Macarena; González-Molina, Irene; Solano-Megías, Irene; Luzón-Ruiz, Sofía; Marín Hernando, Juan; Álvarez-Vena, Adrián; Martín-Perea, David Manuel; Neira Campos, Ana; Bernaldo de Quirós Guidotti, Federico; Tarriño Vinagre, Andoni, 2024, "Supplementary Online Material: Neanderthal mobility over very long distances: the case of El Castillo cave (northern Spain) and the “Vasconian” Mousterian.",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This project analyses the origin of the flint used in early MIS 3 and late MIS 4 by the Neanderthals of El Castillo. The results provide provenances of more than 400 km in the south of France and 200 km to the west (central Asturias). This generates a social territory of these Ne...
Datos tabulares - 599 B
Supplementary Online Material 1. Correlation of the archaeological levels between the excavation of Hugo Obermaier, Victoria Cabrera and this study.
Datos tabulares - 1,9 KB
Supplementary Online Material 2. SOM2.2: quantitative dataset used for the exploratory PCA, K-means and cluster-dendrogram analyses; SOM4.2: categorical dataset used for the MCA analysis.
Datos tabulares - 630 B
Supplementary Online Material 5: Presence of cortex by raw material. I: cortical, IIA: > 2/3; IIB: 1/3–2/3; IIC: <1/3; III: no cortex.
Datos tabulares - 1,1 KB
Supplementary Online Material 6: Types of flint and radiolarite and their technological classification (after Geneste, 1985; Maíllo-Fernández, 2003).
MS Word - 397,4 KB - MD5: 6f187e24e07e8ab64bdac3d7e4c666f7
Supplementary Online Material 3: exploratory data analysis.
MS Word - 23,9 KB - MD5: e8313aa3091bd7b2a53ef85d841695e2
Supplementary Online Material 4: Petrological description sheets of the thin sections analyzed.
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