e-cienciaDatos web Survey

e-cienciaDatos is the research data repository of the Consorcio Madroño Universities. It is a member of the Harvard Dataverse Network, suitable for major publishers (Elsevier, Springer, etc.). It is H2020 compliant.

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Repositorio de Datos del Consorcio Madroño
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61 to 70 of 9,828 Results
Imagen JPEG - 150,2 KB - MD5: b6118f7f516abccfd07c45d7c4e5df55
Archivo ZIP - 494,8 KB - MD5: 3809e3437094307423a38b1dccc58342
Texto plano - 166,0 KB - MD5: 3ff5ac75ab25be110fcda2241b7be682
Texto plano - 155,4 KB - MD5: 1e87afd03022e9af03ae0fe57a507b35
Texto plano - 12,5 KB - MD5: 8e6cab3c30a1c8cafc8f957af001a300
Texto plano - 11,9 KB - MD5: 9cb50beb5361e664e4c8fc020f2eed91
Imagen PNG - 623,3 KB - MD5: f088da19d25985602df4a0970b3d3b6a
Imagen JPEG - 136,6 KB - MD5: 12166811472acf01949a01084db33c3a
Imagen JPEG - 232,5 KB - MD5: c7b9cd55f83613d221084caa8c9b381b
Imagen JPEG - 223,6 KB - MD5: 553fa9350339fd68097361e709f94f0f
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