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Repositorio de Datos de la URJC
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1 to 10 of 51 Results
Sep 26, 2024
Sánchez-Barba, Luis F.; Garcés, Andrés; Lara-Sánchez, Agustín; Navarro, Marta; González-Lizana,David, 2024, "Main advances in the application of scorpionate-based catalytic systems for the preparation of sustainable polymers", https://doi.org/10.21950/MVYQII, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database organizes references from the review article according to its sections. The first section includes references from the article's introduction, accompanied by brief comments highlighting relevant information from each citation. In the second section, we discuss citat...
Sep 25, 2024
Berumen, Sergio A., 2024, "Conductas deshonestas: ¿se juzga a los otros como a uno mismo?", https://doi.org/10.21950/TYDHLL, e-cienciaDatos, V2
La trampa, el engaño y el plagio son conductas deshonestas. Con el objetivo de llegar a resultados sobre la sensibilidad de los universitarios hacia la comisión de acciones deshonestas, tanto propias como cometidas por terceros, se construyó una base de datos a partir de las resp...
Sep 11, 2024
Fernández Pintor, Begoña; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Simultaneous determination of 23 pyrrolizidine and tropane alkaloids in infusions from dry edible flowers using optimized μSPEed® microextraction prior to their analysis by UHPLC-IT-MS/MS", https://doi.org/10.21950/SMNRCN, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the alerts reported by the RASFF system, the UHPLC-MS parameters used in the study,the results obtained for the optimization of the uSPEed(r) extraction procedure and the validation of this methodology as well as the results of matrix effect and recovery pe...
Sep 11, 2024
González Gómez, Lorena; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Paniagua González, Gema; Garcinuño, Rosa M.; Fernández Hernando, Pilar; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Development and Characterization of SBA-15 Imprinted Polymers for Spiramycin Analysis", https://doi.org/10.21950/1XFAEI, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes a gradient program for analytical determination of SPI, results of textural properties of synthesised materials, effect of the loading solvent on the recovery (%) of SPI in the SBA-15@MIP-SPI, effect of elution solvent on SPI recovery in SBA-15@MIP-SPI, com...
Sep 10, 2024
González Gómez, Lorena; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Paniagua González, Gema; Garcinuño, Rosa M.; Fernández Hernando, Pilar; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Fibreglass membrane chemically modified with amino-functionalised SBA-15 and its application in solid-phase extraction to determine macrolide antibiotics in eggs", https://doi.org/10.21950/FEOSKM, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of Box-Behnken design and response obtained for the extraction of 5 macrolides antibiotics in egg at 150 ng/g, recoveries (%) obtained with the optimised protocol using nonfunctionalised (FGM) and functionalised (FGM-SBA-15-NH2), analytical perf...
Sep 5, 2024
Moreno-Brieva, Fernando, 2024, "Scientific trajectories about H2", https://doi.org/10.21950/BCPYDJ, e-cienciaDatos, V3
En esta base de datos se muestran las trayectorias científicas del hidrógeno como combustible de acuerdo con sus distintos tipos, la relación que existe entre ellos, y varios puntos referidos a los principales países que producen nuevos conocimientos científicos sobre el hidrógen...
Sep 5, 2024
Pérez del Pulgar, Helena; Ortiz-Bustos, Josefa; Tyrell, Hellen; del Hierro, Isabel; Pérez, Yolanda; Barrio, Jesus, 2024, "Influence of Preconditioning, Precursor and Ionomer on the Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction Using Bismuth-Based Catalysts", https://doi.org/10.21950/XO9HGU, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the data of charatherization of the materials show in the work with the same name, as well as the electrocatalysis results.
Sep 2, 2024
Sierra Alonso, Isabel; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Casado Navas, Natalia; Vera Baquero, Fernando Leonardo, 2024, "Improving the food safety of bakery products by simultaneously monitoring the occurrence of pyrrolizidine, tropane and opium alkaloids", https://doi.org/10.21950/RZYJG8, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the information of the samples used in the study, as well as the results obtained for the chromatographic separation of the tropane, pyrrolizidine and opium alkaloids using different gradients and mobile phases, followed by the purification step by solid-ph...
Jul 24, 2024
Navarro, Marta; Sobrino, Sonia; Fernández, Israel; Lara-Sánchez, Agustín; Garcés, Andrés; Sánchez-Barba, Luis F., 2024, "Exploring Enantiopure Zinc-Scorpionates as Catalysts for the Preparation of Polylactides, Cyclic Carbonates, and Polycarbonates", https://doi.org/10.21950/P3HODS, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes all the catalytic data of complexes 7-9 in the ROP of rac-Lactide, Conversion of styrene oxide into styrene carbonate and synthesis of poly(cyclohexenecarbonate). The dataset also contains selected bond lengths [Å] and angles [°] for compound 6 and complex...
Jul 16, 2024
Crispín Milart, Patricia Hanna; Prieto Egido, Ignacio; Martínez Fernández, Andrés, 2024, "Datos del proyecto Embarazo Saludable implementado en zonas rurales de Guatemala", https://doi.org/10.21950/WDZX91, e-cienciaDatos, V1
El dataset recoje datos médicos sobre atenciones prenatales realizadas en comunidades rurales de Guatemala bajo la estrategia propuesta por el proyecto Embarazo Saludable. El dataset recopila algunas de las variables más relevantes para el la detección de embarazos de alto riesgo...
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