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1 a 10 de 563 Resultados
30 ago. 2024
Caravaca, Francisco; Cuevas, Ángel; Cuevas, Rubén, 2023, "Keywords used by European Political Parties on Facebook",, e-cienciaDatos, V5
The dataset provides information about keywords used by political parties in the Facebook posts they publish in their main accounts. The dataset includes information extracted from more than 1M posts from Jan. 1 2019, across more than 270 political parties located in the 27 Europ...
Effort ProjectEmbargado
1 jul. 2024
Radl, Jonas, 2022, "Effort Project",, e-cienciaDatos, V5
Child experimental data and associated survey data: The dataset contains socioeconomic data and experimental measures of cognitive effort stemming from fifth-grade students and their parents. Among the socioeconomic variables that can be found in the dataset are the gender, age,...
22 may. 2024 - Federico-Tena World Population Historical Database
Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2023, "Federico-Tena World Population Historical Database : List of Polities (World countries)",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Project developed by Giovanni Federico (New York University Abu Dhabi) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). Dataset: List of Polities (World countries)
21 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : World",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: World
21 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Asia",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Asia
21 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Oceania",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Oceania
20 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : America",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: America
20 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Africa",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Africa
20 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Europe",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Europe
10 may. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Kyrgyzstan",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Kyrgyzstan
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