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51 a 60 de 159 Resultados
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 26",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 25",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 24",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 23",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 22",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 21",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 20",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 19",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 18",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 17",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
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