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1 a 10 de 157 Resultados
MS Word - 27,0 KB - MD5: d28b496f60fa992217263bc9b8afe836
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 97,6 KB - MD5: b1e3d27cc52a395b791d350589044d5d
Survey answers
Imagen SVG - 118,2 MB - MD5: 5b838c39a510b4039030f9f82fa0cdc6
Complete representation of pipolins found in the screening
Archivo ZIP - 247,4 MB - MD5: 84b8cddd04c9ac940c20fb531477e853
Pipolin genbank files containing detailed information on coding sequences, direct repeats, and other features. These files were originally created by ExplorePipolin and edited to include reannotation information and color coding for plotting purposes. Each file is represented in...
Valores separados por tabuladores - 427,3 MB - MD5: 40ad0cce2cad99b5254318161cda841d
List of genes predicted by Prodigal for the MGEs included in this work
Datos tabulares - 22,6 MB
List of recombining (RG), non-recombining (NRG), and non-homologous non-recombining (nhNRG) genes. Only genes from MGEs candidate to RG exchange (see Methods) are listed
Archivo ZIP - 547,6 MB - MD5: e672291ef3626f814b1c9cb1a3a7c756
Detail of recombining genes detected. These are genes that share 80% amino acid identity and 80% sequence coverage but the MGEs encoding them show a wGRR lower than 0.2. Table includes gene IDs (given by Prodigal), MGE names and wGRR value
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 14
Archivo 7Z - 218,9 KB - MD5: 6ba8cba3a1a36e282c958fb1369fa509
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 26
Archivo 7Z - 427,2 KB - MD5: 5a617a9fa7f08d6782fe249c5a5fea32
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 25
Archivo 7Z - 417,1 KB - MD5: e1e1370d09261a62dc21be6a7154c9ee
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
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