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291 a 300 de 506 Resultados
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 3
Archivo 7Z - 339,3 KB - MD5: d0c7471af89bdcf5934d9486a270086c
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 3
Texto plano - 3,3 KB - MD5: 570ee78709806c81875433b78c3259af
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 2
Archivo 7Z - 456,1 KB - MD5: 4b2d99f4b3acffbbeb40171beaff0229
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 2
Texto plano - 3,3 KB - MD5: 0b0d2f510eba80e8700d731deb0e90cf
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 1
Archivo 7Z - 397,3 KB - MD5: 3a82ecc1c695b792da972e3ca016eded
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr 2024 - Interview in Spain 1
Texto plano - 3,3 KB - MD5: 0e565d955a60217e2efccbbe2c0297a5
Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
12 abr 2024
The EU Horizon project 'Dealing with a Resurgent China' (DWARC) recognises that the reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive Chin...
Archivo 7Z - 782,8 MB - MD5: c0a944b02b419d9a22ffde3908834ffd
are the 3D models of the archaeological bifaces of the Cantera Vieja paleolithic site. It includes coordinate pieces (acronyms such as bifaces and inventory number) and pieces such as Hinca that were located during the clearing of the surrounding area.
Archivo 7Z - 144,9 MB - MD5: 55380846ce5ef8995cd1d7cb4d4d1fa4
are the 3D models of the experimental bifaces divided by skill levels in their configuration; novices (novice), apprentices (apprent), high-level apprentices (apprenthigh) and experts (experts).
Texto plano - 10,5 KB - MD5: 80501d5304a8b7902a345e50b21045b7
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