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2 sept. 2024
Lozano González, José María; Alzate Zuluaga, Mónica Yorlady; Lucena Marotta, Juan José; López Rayo, Sandra; Monterisi, Sonia; Cesco, Stefano; Pii, Youry, 2024, "Dataset belowing to Cultivating resilience: harnessing pyoverdine-producing Pseudomonas to contrast iron deficiency in cucumber plants",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Iron deficiency in crops significantly reduces yield, impacting agricultural productivity worldwide. To address this issue, synthetic Fe chelates are commonly applied, but their prolonged use poses environmental risks. Thus, inoculation of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) r...
28 feb. 2024
De la Torre, Gema; Paramio, Irene; Torres, Tomás, 2024, "Controlling the reactivity of phthalonitriles for the efficient synthesis of chiral phthalocyanines with self-assembly abilities [dataset]",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Binaphthol-bridged phthalonitriles are common precursors for the preparation of chiral phthalocyanines (Pcs). However, self-condensation of these phthalonitriles usually leads to the target Pcs in extremely low yields. In this work, we report a smart approach to enhance the react...
28 feb. 2024
Paramio, Irene; Salazar, Ainhoa; Jordà-Redondo, Mireia; Nonell, Santi; Torres, Tomás; De la Torre, Gema, 2024, "Nanostructured AABB Zn (II) phthalocyanines as photodynamic agents for bacterial inactivation [dataset]",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The ability of amphiphilic Phthalocyanine (Pc) photosensitizers (PS) (Zn(II)Pcs PS1, PS2, and PS3) to assemble into cationic nanoparticles in water and to photo-inactivate bacterial strains is demonstrated. All the synthesized Zn(II)Pcs exhibit an AABB functionalization pattern,...
28 feb. 2024
Salazar, Ainhoa; Moreno Simoni, Marta; Kumar, Sumit; Labella, Jorge; Torres, Tomás; De la Torre, Gema, 2024, "Supramolecular subphthalocyanine cage as catalytic container for the functionalization of fullerenes in water [dataset]",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
It is reported the first example of a supramolecular cage that works as a catalytic molecular reactor to perform transformations over fullerenes in aqueous medium.Taking advantage of the ability of metallo–organic Pd(II)-subphthalocyanine (SubPc) capsules to form stable host:gues...
28 feb. 2024
Durán-Sampedro, Gonzalo; Xue, Evelyn Y.; Moreno Simoni, Marta; Paramio, Celia; Torres, Tomás; Dennis K. P. Ng; De la Torre, Gema, 2024, "Glycosylated BODIPY- incorporated Pt(II) metallacycles for targeted and synergistic chemo-photodynamic therapy [dataset]",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Pt(II)-BODIPY complexes combine the chemotherapeutic activity of Pt(II) with the photocytotoxicity of BODIPYs. Additional conjugation with targeting ligands can boost the uptake by cancer cells that overexpress the corresponding receptors. We describe two Pt(II) triangles, 1 and...
20 feb. 2024
Zotti, Linda Angela, 2024, "Geometries-DTP",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Data employed to obtain the results contained in the manuscript "Antiaromatic non-alternant heterocyclic compounds as molecular wires". The methodology applied is a combination of DFT and Green´s functon techniques.
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