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411 a 420 de 467 Resultados
Texto plano - 5,0 KB - MD5: f960be37b53894d3770eba38d6ecc97e
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9 mar. 2021
Sevillano, Verónica; Fiske, Susan T., 2021, "Stereotypes, emotions, and behaviors associated with animals: A causal test of the stereotype content model and BIAS Map",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Using the stereotype content model (SCM; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002) and the behaviors from intergroup affect and stereotypes (BIAS) map (Cuddy, Fiske, & Glick, 2007), two experiments tested the effect of animal stereotypes on emotions and behavioral tendencies toward animal...
Texto plano - 4,9 KB - MD5: 0bf7edd283389ec9035a1bd4ed75249b
8 mar. 2021
Ismanuel Rabadan; Jimena D. Gorfinkiel, 2021, "Electronic energies, quantum defects and half-lives for the first three water resonances above the B state of H2O+",, e-cienciaDatos, V3
Finding solutions of the continuum spectra of the time-independent Schrodinguer equation for the water molecule
Texto plano - 6,4 KB - MD5: 2891b9980fd93f127676d56fc9f8c356
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Datos de texto de campo fijo - 686 B - MD5: a81116fd68d616d49d2acda189f3c863
Electronic energies of the resonance 1 ¹A' of H2O (in hartree) as a function of the Jacobi coordinate R (in bohr), for fixed r=1.90 bohr and \theta=110 deg
Datos de texto de campo fijo - 612 B - MD5: e4ef8dfe25774f306070ffbb51ae1f93
Electronic energies of the resonance 1 ³A" of H2O (in hartree) as a function of the Jacobi coordinate R (in bohr), for fixed r=1.90 bohr and \theta=110 deg
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