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1 a 10 de 349 Resultados
6 sept. 2024
Juan Ignacio Pozo, 2024, "Teachers' ICT Practices Pre-Post COVID-19 questionnaire and answers",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Study comparing the uses that primary and secondary education teachers make of digital technologies in their classrooms during and after the COVID 19 school lockdown. The questionnaire was implemented during the lockdown and after the lockdown to identify the change in teaching p...
Texto plano - 4,2 KB - MD5: 73552b7a866a80279341b0378b3d8987
MS Word - 27,0 KB - MD5: d28b496f60fa992217263bc9b8afe836
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 97,6 KB - MD5: b1e3d27cc52a395b791d350589044d5d
Survey answers
2 sept. 2024
Lozano González, José María; Alzate Zuluaga, Mónica Yorlady; Lucena Marotta, Juan José; López Rayo, Sandra; Monterisi, Sonia; Cesco, Stefano; Pii, Youry, 2024, "Dataset belowing to Cultivating resilience: harnessing pyoverdine-producing Pseudomonas to contrast iron deficiency in cucumber plants",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Iron deficiency in crops significantly reduces yield, impacting agricultural productivity worldwide. To address this issue, synthetic Fe chelates are commonly applied, but their prolonged use poses environmental risks. Thus, inoculation of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) r...
Datos tabulares - 100,9 KB
Authors present the data related to the work: Cultivating resilience: harnessing pyoverdine-producing Pseudomonas to contrast iron deficiency in cucumber plants
Texto plano - 6,0 KB - MD5: 40e7917e7e87003fafeb889ea16fd5cb
22 may. 2024
Mateo Cáceres, Víctor; Redrejo Rodríguez, Modesto, 2024, "Screening of pipolins in Bacteria and detection of genetic exchanges with other MGEs",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The authors have carried out a massive screening of pipolins in the bacterial genome database "Assembly" (NCBI). Then, they found integrases and new integration sites associated to pipolins. Pipolins and other MGEs (plasmids, ciMGEs, and phages) were annotated to characterize pip...
Imagen SVG - 118,2 MB - MD5: 5b838c39a510b4039030f9f82fa0cdc6
Complete representation of pipolins found in the screening
Archivo ZIP - 247,4 MB - MD5: 84b8cddd04c9ac940c20fb531477e853
Pipolin genbank files containing detailed information on coding sequences, direct repeats, and other features. These files were originally created by ExplorePipolin and edited to include reannotation information and color coding for plotting purposes. Each file is represented in...
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