This project investigates whether static facial images can accurately signal cooperativeness. Using the Prisoner’s Dilemma game and photo evaluations, it explores whether facial cues such as symmetry, dimorphism, and attractiveness influence judgments of cooperativeness under different time conditions. The findings contribute to understanding the role of facial cues in human interactions and cooperative decision-making.
The dataset includes evaluation by 300 participants of static facial images of 40 individuals (20 male, 20 female) who participated in a previous Prisoner’s Dilemma experiment, along with evaluations. Data includes demographic information, facial characteristics of the evaluated face, and judgments of cooperativeness under time-pressure and time-delay conditions.
| Methodology:
Raters evaluated cooperativeness of static photos under time-pressure and time-delay conditions. Statistical analyses performed in Stata v16.0. Software:
Facial symmetry and masculinity were measured employing TPS morphometric software (TPS DIG2) and MorphoJ |