The project investigates how visible morphological features, such as facial fluctuating asymmetry, facial masculinity, and digit ratio (2D:4D), influence cooperation in social dilemmas. Using a series of Prisoner’s Dilemma games under anonymous and non-anonymous conditions, the study evaluates the relationship between these physiological traits and cooperative decisions.
The dataset includes measurements of facial fluctuating asymmetry, facial masculinity, and 2D:4D digit ratios from 176 male participants aged 18-28. Data also capture behavioral outcomes from nine stages of Prisoner’s Dilemma games, including anonymous and non-anonymous interactions, alongside participant demographics.
| Participants were predominantly Caucasian males, with data from other ethnicities excluded to ensure reliability in facial masculinity measures. Facial images and hand scans were obtained under standardized laboratory conditions. The software used:
TPS morphometric software for 2D:4D (TPS DIG2); TPS software and MorphoJ for facial features. |