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1 a 10 de 40 Resultados
9 mar. 2021
Hosseini, Navab, 2020, "NH_JARM_Part_II_2020",, e-cienciaDatos, V3
This dataset contains the UMAT subroutines coded to implement in the finite element code ABAQUS the constitutive models Yld2004-18p (Barlat et al., 2005), CPB06ex2 (Plunkett et al.,2008) and Yld2011-27p (Aretz and Barlat, 2013). They have been used to perform finite element simul...
9 mar. 2021 - NH_JARM_Part_II_2020
Texto plano - 5,4 KB - MD5: 074773dc6549977fa204dfc9062cf600
9 mar. 2021
Hosseini, Navab, 2020, "NH_JARM_2020",, e-cienciaDatos, V4
This dataset contains the UMAT and VUMAT subroutines coded to implement in the finite element code ABAQUS the constitutive models Yld2004-18p (Barlat et al., 2005), CPB06ex2 (Plunkett et al.,2008) and Yld2011-27p (Aretz and Barlat, 2013). They have been used to perform all the fi...
9 mar. 2021 - NH_JARM_2020
Texto plano - 6,0 KB - MD5: 4025579d2d0a677197a291ad4bf757fb
20 ene. 2021
dos Santos, Tiago, 2020, "MATLAB_TS_AS_JARM_2020",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset contains the MATLAB code used to implement the dynamic spherical cavity expansion model developed in dos Santos et al.
20 ene. 2021 - MATLAB_TS_AS_JARM_2020
Texto plano - 3,8 KB - MD5: f0e3bb9ef2ae3fd45b39537dd4f10a80
20 ene. 2021 - MATLAB_TS_AS_JARM_2020
Texto plano - 21,9 KB - MD5: 3e1165a059897a10da399436b6ea79f8
19 ene. 2021
N'souglo, Komi Espoir, 2020, "KEN_NJ_JARM_2020",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset contains the VUMAT subroutines coded to implement in the finite element code ABAQUS the constitutive model of Hill (1948). They have been used to perform finite element simultations reported in the manuscript of N'souglo et al.
19 ene. 2021 - KEN_NJ_JARM_2020
Texto plano - 4,4 KB - MD5: 8fc28c37e7cb2c9c6522e736aac4ac83
23 sept. 2020 - KEN_NJ_JARM_2020
Texto plano - 23,0 KB - MD5: dc54dd0d590e3d00e9f58a0bbd47296d
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