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1 a 7 de 7 Resultados
28 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Are Educational Escape Rooms More Effective Than Traditional Lectures for Teaching Software Engineering? A Randomized Controlled Trial"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Are Educational Escape Rooms More Effective Than Traditional Lectures for Teaching Software Engineering? A Randomized Controlled Trial" with DOI 10.1109/TE.2024.3403913. This dataset contains data of 326 software engineering...
26 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel; Tovar Caro, Edmundo; Mayor Márquez, Jesús, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments" with DOI 10.1109/FIE58773.2023.10343449. This dataset contains data of 193 software engi...
26 jun. 2024
López Pernas, Sonsoles; Barra Arias, Enrique; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; Alonso González, Álvaro; Quemada Vives, Juan, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Scaling Student Feedback in Software Engineering Massive Open Online Courses"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Scaling Student Feedback in Software Engineering Massive Open Online Courses" with DOI 10.1109/MS.2023.3275035. This dataset contains data about the students' perceptions and usage of an automated assessment tool (MOOCauto) f...
26 jun. 2024
Barra Arias, Enrique; Quemada Vives, Juan; López Pernas, Sonsoles; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; Alonso González, Álvaro; Carril Fuentetaja, Abel, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "An autonomous low‑cost studio to record production‑ready instructional videos"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "An autonomous low‑cost studio to record production‑ready instructional videos" with DOI 10.1007/s11042-024-18250-8. This dataset is provided through an XLSX file with two sheets: 1) SAGA_Survey_TAM. This sheet contains 31 res...
17 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel; Mayor Márquez, Jesús, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Examining and Comparing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Serious Games and LEGO Serious Play for Learning Scrum"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Examining and Comparing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Serious Games and LEGO Serious Play for Learning Scrum" with DOI 10.3390/app14020830. This dataset contains data of 59 software engineering students, 22 of which be...
28 feb. 2024
D'Haro Enríquez, Luis Fernando; Gil Martín, Manuel; Luna Jiménez, Cristina; Esteban Romero, Sergio; Estecha Garitagoitia, Marcos; Bellver Soler, Jaime; Fernández Martínez, Fernando, 2024, "Art-GenEvalGPT",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project ASTOUND is an EIC funded project (No. 101071191) under the HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01 call. The aim of the project is to develop an artificial conscious AI based on the Attention Schema Theory (AST) proposed by Michel Graziano. This theory...
29 nov. 2023
Barra Arias, Enrique, 2023, "Datos sobre las 8 ediciones de la escape room sobre bases de datos",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto Este dataset incluye los datos generados por los participantes de las 8 ediciones de la escape room educativa sobre bases de datos. Los alumnos de 4 asignaturas distintas de la ETSI Telecomunicación participan en las escape rooms educativas y utilizan sus...
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