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41 a 50 de 816 Resultados
5 jul. 2024
López Fernández, Daniel; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Are Remote Educational Escape Rooms Designed During the Pandemic Useful in a Postpandemic Face-to-Face Setting?"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Are Remote Educational Escape Rooms Designed During the Pandemic Useful in a Postpandemic Face-to-Face Setting?" with DOI 10.1109/MIC.2023.3336057. This dataset contains data of 241 software engineering students, 140 of which...
28 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Are Educational Escape Rooms More Effective Than Traditional Lectures for Teaching Software Engineering? A Randomized Controlled Trial"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Are Educational Escape Rooms More Effective Than Traditional Lectures for Teaching Software Engineering? A Randomized Controlled Trial" with DOI 10.1109/TE.2024.3403913. This dataset contains data of 326 software engineering...
26 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel; Tovar Caro, Edmundo; Mayor Márquez, Jesús, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments" with DOI 10.1109/FIE58773.2023.10343449. This dataset contains data of 193 software engi...
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