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81 a 90 de 815 Resultados
Archivo 7Z - 1,1 GB - MD5: a386ccdb1a0538617b70dfee18457e76
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
Archivo 7Z - 2,8 GB - MD5: e0f451509145c24360a7892a5dba29ad
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
Archivo 7Z - 46,6 MB - MD5: a610045df5bc8f9fab05861d79fa5b7d
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
Archivo 7Z - 2,2 KB - MD5: 6c1cd685a4a3afdf3f9dd81acb290b21
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
Archivo 7Z - 207,1 GB - MD5: 1e1481ed32ef0a29bed47b326f8f8b45
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
Archivo 7Z - 135,7 GB - MD5: bd971b9f62aa42e843958c7aa0adc812
This 7z file is encrypted and password protected. To request the password and decrypt the file, use the "Contact the owner" option, which appears in the upper right part of the interface. The file can be decrypted using 7-Zip, which should prompt you for the password. After doing...
24 ene. 2024
Peco Palacios, Jesús Daniel; Pérez López, David; Centeno Muñoz, Ana; Moreno Valencia, Marta M.; Villena, Jaime; Moratiel Yugueros, Rubén, 2024, "Comparison of physiological and biochemical responses of local and commercial tomato varieties under water stress and rehydration",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Water scarcity presents an increasingly urgent challenge with global implications for the production of irrigated vegetables. Among these crops, tomatoes stand out as one of the most widely cultivated. Given their vulnerability to water stress, it is crucial to ensure efficient a...
Datos tabulares - 3,8 KB
A Excell file with several sheets. In each sheet there is data about a parameter in all the plants. Plants were from different varieties and irrigation treatments.
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