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91 a 100 de 816 Resultados
20 dic. 2023
Pantoja-Arévalo, Lisset; Gesteiro, Eva; Matthias, Torsten; Urrialde, Rafael; González-Gross, Marcela, 2023, "A dataset description for the preliminary evaluation of type 2 food allergy correlating symptomatology, body composition, physical activity and antibody titers of food-specific immunoglobulin G subclass 4 in Spanish adults",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
3. Description of the project There is a current growing health public problem of individuals who are not able to tolerate all foods, meaning that they cannot ingest, digest, absorb and metabolise some specific foods or food components without adverse clinical reactions. Some stu...
Archivo 7Z - 48,4 KB - MD5: 8be19106afff13e1ca1d34d18c0fe874
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19 dic. 2023
Kessler Martín, Jorge; Ríos Sánchez, Belén; Díaz Honrubia, Antonio Jesús, 2023, "Dataset annotated with users' attention for VVC-based video blocks",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto The main objective of the project in which the dataset has been elaborated is to design and implement a video encoder that produces videos that comply with the VVC standard specifications, requiring less computation time (and thus less power consumption),...
Valores separados por comas - 939,6 MB - MD5: 1dcd55c66613f5cea2b015defba6c4ec
The dataset consists of a single CSV file with a total of 10 variables, 9 of them as input variables for the models that are learnt using the dataset and 1 as a variable to be predicted: 1. pos_row: the relative position (between 0 and 1) of the CTU among all the rows of CTUs....
4 dic. 2023
Álvarez Morales, Gonzalo; Ridruejo Rodríguez, Álvaro; Sánchez Montero, Javier; Segurado Escudero, Javier; Andres, Pedro L. de, 2023, "Hydrogen Diffusion in BCC-Fe: DFT study of Tensorial Stress Effects and Interactions with Point Defects",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto: Investigación desarrollada dentro del proyecto ADSORBENT (Advanced Modeling Techniques for Hydrogen Embrittlement), un estudio computacional multiescala de los mecanismos que participan en el fenómeno de fragilización por hidrógeno de aleaciones férreas....
Archivo ZIP - 2,0 MB - MD5: 56eea5824bca752dcbcbe77617a1b687
Archivo ZIP - 2,1 MB - MD5: cdbfce354d58800b974b5addf4680d22
Archivo ZIP - 42,5 MB - MD5: 6435b60b24a6e4a6f65d349bca382468
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