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41 a 50 de 792 Resultados
Archivo ZIP - 26,0 KB - MD5: 24f164aa4ccd852f8270e7a45478873a
7 may. 2024
Sáez Torner, Marta; Higuera de Frutos, Santiago; Castro Malpica, Maria, 2024, "Art-SimulatorValidation",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto The proyect SIMGEOSEV (Driving Simulators and Geospatial Technologies for Traffic Safety Studies) studies the relationships between driver behaviour and road design variables using a driving simulator. Descripción del dataset Data available are: 1- Vehicl...
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 49,0 KB - MD5: f9c17661b5fc9eb606003867198e3a3c
Texto plano - 4,2 KB - MD5: 1d1c2f5f659a63ac11b3622463e87988
Datos tabulares - 2,5 KB
28 feb. 2024
D'Haro Enríquez, Luis Fernando; Gil Martín, Manuel; Luna Jiménez, Cristina; Esteban Romero, Sergio; Estecha Garitagoitia, Marcos; Bellver Soler, Jaime; Fernández Martínez, Fernando, 2024, "Art-GenEvalGPT",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project ASTOUND is an EIC funded project (No. 101071191) under the HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01 call. The aim of the project is to develop an artificial conscious AI based on the Attention Schema Theory (AST) proposed by Michel Graziano. This theory...
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Datos tabulares - 36,2 MB
A CSV file containing the actual dialogues generated by the ChatGPT model. Each dialogue entry consists of conversational turns between the expert and user agents.
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
JSON - 152,2 KB - MD5: 72cfc7ed2cc6717158cf57e4136b6e59
Contains a structured taxonomy with codes for identifying the different elements of the dataset. It includes codes for profiles, such as painting, expert, and user profiles. Additionally, it contains codes for various attributes such as emotions, toxicity and biases.
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
MS Word - 21,9 KB - MD5: 6d6f05a1e9ba0d4b0e41518e43bdb892
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Datos tabulares - 11,5 MB
Comma-separated values (CSV) file containing detailed information about each dialogue in the dataset. It includes data such as the author and style of the artwork, emotions, goals, roles, toxicity, and anthropology. This files server as a comprehensive reference for understanding...
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