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21 a 30 de 792 Resultados
26 jun. 2024
Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; López Fernández, Daniel; Tovar Caro, Edmundo; Mayor Márquez, Jesús, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "A Comparison of the Usefulness of Game-Based Learning and Video-Based Learning for Teaching Software Engineering in Online Environments" with DOI 10.1109/FIE58773.2023.10343449. This dataset contains data of 193 software engi...
26 jun. 2024
López Pernas, Sonsoles; Barra Arias, Enrique; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; Alonso González, Álvaro; Quemada Vives, Juan, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Scaling Student Feedback in Software Engineering Massive Open Online Courses"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Scaling Student Feedback in Software Engineering Massive Open Online Courses" with DOI 10.1109/MS.2023.3275035. This dataset contains data about the students' perceptions and usage of an automated assessment tool (MOOCauto) f...
Valores separados por comas - 871,5 KB - MD5: 8c3be280bc9c98c81832788e4c4aab9f
Logs of students' use of the automated assessment tool
Valores separados por comas - 7,5 KB - MD5: 22b231351d8047ae41f772af8ca51aee
Students' responses to the questionnaire
26 jun. 2024
Barra Arias, Enrique; Quemada Vives, Juan; López Pernas, Sonsoles; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo; Alonso González, Álvaro; Carril Fuentetaja, Abel, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "An autonomous low‑cost studio to record production‑ready instructional videos"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "An autonomous low‑cost studio to record production‑ready instructional videos" with DOI 10.1007/s11042-024-18250-8. This dataset is provided through an XLSX file with two sheets: 1) SAGA_Survey_TAM. This sheet contains 31 res...
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