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21 a 30 de 815 Resultados
Archivo ZIP - 15,5 GB - MD5: b6ec00449d52245c985546c701fae7e5
Archivo ZIP - 15,5 GB - MD5: a9ac4a659a8108e998c0e9b2ef63d30a
Texto plano - 6,9 KB - MD5: f2a9b3fccab5ff3e814294e327b2edc4
Valores separados por comas - 238 B - MD5: 7c2852255a06a45b3d13ab46396e1856
29 ago. 2024
López Fernández, Daniel, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Adoption and Impact of ChatGPT in Computer Science Education: A Case Study on a Database Administration Course"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Adoption and Impact of ChatGPT in Computer Science Education: A Case Study on a Database Administration Course" available at This dataset contains data of 37 computer science students. The fi...
19 jul. 2024
López Fernández, Daniel; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Comparing a LEGO® Serious Play Activity With a Traditional Lecture in Software Engineering Education"",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Comparing a LEGO® Serious Play Activity With a Traditional Lecture in Software Engineering Education" with DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3403504. This dataset contains data of 227 software engineering students, 110 of which belonge...
16 jul. 2024
López Fernández, Daniel; Gordillo Méndez, Aldo, 2024, "Supplementary material for the article "Are Virtual Reality Serious Video Games More Effective Than Web Video Games?"",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset contains the data related to the article "Are Virtual Reality Serious Video Games More Effective Than Web Video Games?" with DOI 10.1109/MCG.2023.3244036. This dataset contains data of 289 computer science students divided into two groups: one composed of 110 student...
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