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181 a 190 de 236 Resultados
Datos tabulares - 1,3 KB
Number of wheel turns during the postprandial activity period (PPA) of the two male ABA groups
Datos tabulares - 89 B
Number of days that each withdrawn male rat from needed to recover its weight in session 0
Datos tabulares - 730 B
Day of removal from the procedure of the four groups of male rats
Datos tabulares - 6,9 KB
Weight percentage in relation to the body weight measured in session 0 of the four groups of male rats
17 feb. 2022
Lara-Clares, Alicia; Lastra-Díaz, Juan J.; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2021, "Reproducible experiments on word and sentence similarity measures for the biomedical domain",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset introduces a set of reproducibility resources with the aim of allowing the exact replication of the experiments introduced by our main paper, which is a reproducible experimental survey on biomedical sentence similarity with the following aims: (1) to elucidate the s...
Archivo Gzip - 3,8 MB - MD5: cf57dfaf65f152043ff1f801da15ce75
This file contains the raw output files of a complete execution of the software clients HESMLSTSImpactPreprocessingclient and HESMLSTSclient.
Archivo ZIP - 65,8 MB - MD5: 903d58ac1442816cfe8ea134741dbfe2
This file contains the Java and Python code for executing the experiments detailed in this dataset and develop in HESML V2R1. IMPORTANT NOTE!. If main link fails you can download this file from
Adobe PDF - 107,3 KB - MD5: afc8cb21bcf6dce92789e79d0c3584bb
This file details the information sources and dependencies.
Archivo Gzip - 20,2 GB - MD5: 25f14da7080c2ee1b84713300d286c46
This file contains all the BERT models and dependencies evaluated in HESML V2R1 as detailed in [1]. IMPORTANT NOTE!. If main link fails you can download this file from
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