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1 a 10 de 23 Resultados
24 jun. 2024
Biblioteca de la UNED, 2024, "SEGUIMIENTO DEL ACCESO ABIERTO EN LA UNED 2023",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto En línea con su Plan estratégico 2024-2026, la biblioteca de la UNED pone también el foco en el fomento al acceso abierto y se compromete a realizar un seguimiento anual de la publicación en acceso abierto de la universidad mediante la creación de una nue...
14 jun. 2024
Ramón Pellitero Ondicol, 2024, "Circos glaciares de la Península Ibérica (excepto Pirineos)",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Descripción del proyecto Análisis morfométrico de los circos glaciares de la Península Ibérica.
13 jun. 2024
María Fe Sánchez-García; Magdalena Suárez-Ortega, 2024, "Género y éxito profesional subjetivo",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
La investigación se focalizó en el estudio de las diferencias de género en el desarrollo profesional de personas trabajadoras jóvenes y adultas. Para ello se utilizaron dos fuentes de datos: la primera procedente de un cuestionario estructurado que explora diversas dimensiones de...
12 jun. 2024 - Sistema arText
Sabela Fernández Silva, 2024, "Materials used in the self-paced reading experiment about the effect of plain terminology in comprehension of administrative texts in Spanish",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project The project “A technological prototype for writing in plain language: implementation in the Public Administration and analysis of its impact on citizens” (arText_IMPACT) (PDC2022-133935-I00) has three objectives: O1: To implement the “arText claro” soft...
12 abr. 2024
Severino Fernández Galán, 2024, "Supplementary code for the article: Minimum Modulus Visualization of Algebraic Fractals",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the dataset Fractals are a family of shapes formed by irregular and fragmented patterns. They can be classified into two main groups: geometric and algebraic. Whereas the former are characterized by a fixed geometric replacement rule, the latter are defined by a re...
5 abr. 2024
Severino Fernández Galán, 2024, "Supplementary code for the article: Comparative evaluation of the Fast Marching Method and the Fast Evacuation Method for heterogeneous media",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the dataset The evacuation problem is usually addressed by assuming homogeneous media where pedestrians move freely in the presence of several exits and obstacles. From a more general perspective, this work considers heterogeneous media in which the velocity of ped...
3 abr. 2024
Marion Coderch, 2024, "Survey answers_The professional status of modern foreign languages teachers in UK higher education",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This study provides an insight into the academic profile of modern foreign languages' teaching staff in UK higher education, describing the role of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) in their professional development and progression. The st...
18 mar. 2024
Severino Fernández Galán, 2024, "Supplementary code for the article: Extending cellular evolutionary algorithms with message passing",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Cellular evolutionary algorithms (cEAs) use structured populations whose evolutionary cycle is governed by local interactions among individuals. This helps to prevent the premature convergence to local optima that usually takes place in panmictic populations. The present work ext...
18 mar. 2024
María Teresa Aranguren; M. Rosa Elosúa, 2024, "A case study of developmental dyslexia in secondary school: a four-year follow-up",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Description of the project This study explored a case of developmental dyslexia in secondary school in a four-year longitudinal follow-up. An intervention was carried out by collecting data from the participant’s school records, applying compensatory strategies, and implementing...
14 mar. 2024
Severino Fernández Galán, 2024, "Supplementary code for the article: Fast Evacuation Method: using an effective dynamic floor field based on efficient pedestrian assignment",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The problem of pedestrian evacuation can be addressed through cellular automata incorporating a floor field that indicates promising movements to pedestrians. The two main types of floor field are the static, which represents the shortest path from each cell to an exit (and is us...
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