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22 sept. 2022
Lara-Clares, Alicia; Lastra-Díaz, Juan J.; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2022, "HESML V2R1 Java software library of semantic similarity measures for the biomedical domain",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset introduces HESML V2R1 which is the sixth release of the Half-Edge Semantic Measures Library (HESML) detailed in [24]. HESML V2R1 is a linearly scalable and efficient Java software library of ontology-based semantic similarity measures and Information Content (IC) mod...
17 feb. 2022
Lara-Clares, Alicia; Lastra-Díaz, Juan J.; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2021, "Reproducible experiments on word and sentence similarity measures for the biomedical domain",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset introduces a set of reproducibility resources with the aim of allowing the exact replication of the experiments introduced by our main paper, which is a reproducible experimental survey on biomedical sentence similarity with the following aims: (1) to elucidate the s...
3 jun. 2021
Castellanos, Angel; Cigarrán, Juan; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2021, "Formal concept analysis for topic detection: a clustering quality experimental analysis",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
RepLab is a competitive evaluation exercise for Online Reputation Management systems organized as an activity of CLEF. RepLab 2013 focused on the task of monitoring the reputation of entities (companies, organizations, celebrities, etc.) on Twitter. The monitoring task for analys...
30 abr. 2021
Lastra-Díaz, Juan J.; Lara-Clares, Alicia; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2021, "HESML V1R5 Java software library of ontology-based semantic similarity measures and information content models",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset introduces HESML V1R5 which is the fifth release of the Half-Edge Semantic Measures Library (HESML) detailed in [13]. HESML V1R5 is a linearly scalable and efficient Java software library of ontology-based semantic similarity measures and Information Content (IC) mod...
18 dic. 2020
Hennig, Sebastian; Garcia-Serrano, Ana, 2020, "Reproducible experiments on the master thesis: An experimental survey of Named Entity Recognition methods in the biomedical domain",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Semantic Textual Similarity (also known as Semantic Short-text Similarity) is a research problem that aims to calculate the similarity among text units (phrases, sentences, paragraphs or texts) focusing on the semantic content. The importance of Semantic Similarity in Natural Lan...
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