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1 a 5 de 5 Resultados
27 sept. 2024 - Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Assessment
Juan Guerrero Martín; Alba Gómez-Valadés Batanero; Estela Díaz López; Margarita Bachiller Mayoral; José Manuel Cuadra Troncoso; Rafael Martínez Tomás; Sara García Herranz; María del Carmen Díaz Mardomingo; Herminia Peraita Adrados; Mariano Rincón Zamorano, 2024, "Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure dataset (grayscale images) / Conjunto de datos de figuras complejas de Rey-Osterrieth (imágenes en escala de grises)",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This dataset is the result of the research carried out in the project "A Benchmark for Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Automatic Scoring", whose main goal was to establish a baseline for the scoring task consisting of: a dataset with 528 ROCF...
27 sept. 2024 - Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Assessment
Juan Guerrero Martín; Alba Gómez-Valadés Batanero; Estela Díaz López; Margarita Bachiller Mayoral; José Manuel Cuadra Troncoso; Rafael Martínez Tomás; Sara García Herranz; María del Carmen Díaz Mardomingo; Herminia Peraita Adrados; Mariano Rincón Zamorano, 2024, "Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure dataset (binary images) / Conjunto de datos de figuras complejas de Rey-Osterrieth (imágenes binarias)",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This dataset is the result of the research carried out in the project "A Benchmark for Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Automatic Scoring", whose main goal was to establish a baseline for the scoring task consisting of: a dataset with 528 ROCF...
27 sept. 2024 - Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Assessment
Juan Guerrero Martín; Alba Gómez-Valadés Batanero; Estela Díaz López; Margarita Bachiller Mayoral; José Manuel Cuadra Troncoso; Rafael Martínez Tomás; Sara García Herranz; María del Carmen Díaz Mardomingo; Herminia Peraita Adrados; Mariano Rincón Zamorano, 2024, "Subset of Quick, Draw! dataset for neural network pre-training / Subconjunto del conjunto de datos Quick, Draw! para pre-entrenamiento de redes neuronales",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project This dataset is the result of the research carried out in the project "A Benchmark for Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test Automatic Scoring", whose main goal was to establish a baseline for the scoring task consisting of: a dataset with 528 ROCF...
22 mar. 2022
Martínez-Herrada, Antonio; de Paz, Ana; Pellón, Ricardo, 2022, "Socialization, and its modulation by sex, on the development and recovery of activity-based anorexia in rats",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project Activity-based anorexia (ABA) is the main animal model used in the laboratory to study the role of restricted food intake and the central importance of excessive physical activity on the severe weight loss observed in the human disorder of anorexia nerv...
8 jun. 2021
Juan M. Guiote; Vanesa Lozano; Miguel A. Vallejo; Blanca Mas, 2021, "Autogenic meditation training in a randomized controlled trial: a framework for promoting mental health and attention regulation in children",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This research project aims to know the effectiveness of autogenic meditation training on selective and sustained attention, state and trait anxiety and a set of emotional and behavioral symptoms in a Spanish scholar population sample. DESIGN: Multi-arm randomized controlled trial...
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