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3.221 a 3.230 de 3.240 Resultados
Adobe PDF - 124,7 KB - MD5: 76c7f08c9bcce1c5dc0f6b9e7e5b3776
Description of data files. Description of the software.
Desconocido - 8,7 KB - MD5: 99c99521f85bb3476ca4cc3205c244ac
The developed program in Python.
21 nov. 2016
Ledesma Larrea, Pablo, 2016, "Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow GAMS model generator on Python",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow (TSCOPF) is a nonlinear optimization problem used to perform economic dispatches while ensuring transient stability. This paper proposes a multi-contingency TSCOPF model that retains the dynamics of all generators and includes a...
Desconocido - 2,0 KB - MD5: 98edb8e83aab29106837deadee89de8d
A raw dynamic file that can be used together with ieee118.raw in PSSE
Desconocido - 54,0 KB - MD5: 47210f890b938e0115c4f1e8ca57031c
File containing the IEEE 118 Bus System in PSSE format
Desconocido - 17,8 KB - MD5: 2165fc80c69990dcefe364fb9c6050e7
File containing the New England 39 Bus System in PSSE format
Desconocido - 17,6 KB - MD5: 7239f458e30af5ac5aefbec0aa7b58f2
Octave/Matlab file
Texto plano - 1,1 KB - MD5: 5aadfa5b5c47eb3f1acbb1f781c75e5e
Description of the data files
Desconocido - 49,7 KB - MD5: 32afd851fc29e83d97613d3d316c6e42
GAMS model
Desconocido - 23,1 KB - MD5: 72443890b7bc81f13174de67b72f93c3
Python file that builds the TSCOPF model
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