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1 a 10 de 15 Resultados
13 jun. 2024
Molina Moreno, Miguel; González Díaz, Iván; Rivera Gorrín, Maite; Burguera Vion, Víctor; Díaz de María, Fernando, 2024, "URI-CAD: Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Ultrasound Renal Imaging - IRYCIS (Hospital Ramón y Cajal)",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The 2D ultrasound imaging database contains the kidney location and complete diagnosis of 1985 images (with 450 healthy and 1535 pathological kidneys), annotated by two experienced nephrologists from Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. The annotations for each clinical cases in...
23 abr. 2024
Muñoz, Jorge; De Santos-Rico, Raúl; Mena, Lisbeth K.; Monje Micharet, Concepción Alicia, 2024, "SoftNeckCameraStabilization: Data and results of the identification and control of a soft neck",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
In order to obtain the model parameters, an identification experiment was performed to capture the plant input-output behavior. For this purpose, a step input was introduced in the plant, and the corresponding output was registered. Given that the system input is a velocity, but...
20 feb. 2024 - BODYinTRANSIT (Sensory-driven Body Transformation Experiences On-the-move)
Tajadura‑Jiménez, Ana; Crucianelli, Laura; Zheng, Rebecca; Cheng, Chloe; Ley‑Flores, Judith; Borda‑Más, Mercedes; Bianchi‑Berthouze, Nadia; Fotopoulou, Aikaterini, 2024, "FootStep illusion_Eating disorders",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The dataset consisted of measurements obtained in two Experiments from 73 female participants aged between 18 and 49 years old. In Experiment 1, we tested healthy women assigned to three groups based on self-reported Symptomatology of Eating Disorders as assessed by a questionnai...
23 ene. 2024 - Advanced Vehicle Dynamics and Mechatronic Systems (VEDYMEC)
Viadero Monasterio, Fernando; López Boada, Beatriz; López Boada, María Jesús; Díaz López, Vicente, 2024, "H∞ dynamic output feedback control for a networked control active suspension system under actuator faults dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This data set comprises the vehicle responses under different controllers for the active suspension system: - Passive suspension. - Active suspension with fault tolerant control - Active suspension without fault tolerant control Data is contained in MATLAB .mat files. Each row co...
17 ene. 2024 - Advanced Vehicle Dynamics and Mechatronic Systems (VEDYMEC)
Viadero Monasterio, Fernando; López Boada, Beatriz; Zhang, Hui; López Boada, María Jesús, 2024, "Integral-Based Event Triggering Actuator Fault-Tolerant Control for an Active Suspension System Under a Networked Communication Scheme dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This data set comprises the vehicle responses under different controllers for the active suspension system: - Passive suspension. (Passive) - Active-suspension networked Non Fault-Tolerant control under a traditional event-triggering scheme. (TET NFT) - Active-suspension networke...
10 ene. 2024
Martínez-De Miguel, Claudia; Segura Bedmar, Isabel; Chacón-Solano, Esteban; Guerrero-Aspizua, Sara, 2024, "RareDis corpus",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Para poder aplicar técnicas de PLN y aprendizaje profundo capaces de reconocer de forma automática las menciones de las enfermedades raras y sus manifestaciones clínicas en textos es imprescindible contar con un dataset (colección de textos anotados con enfermedades y síntomas /...
10 ene. 2024
Relaño, Carlos; Muñoz, Jorge; Monje Micharet, Concepción Alicia; Martínez de la Casa, Santiago; González, Daniel, 2024, "SoftArmControl: Data and results of the identification and control of a soft robotic arm",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Different csv files are available that include information about the pose (yaw and pitch angles) of the soft arm while varying the position of its motors. Three datasets are specifically available: experimental data used for the identification of the soft arm model; experimental...
8 ene. 2024
Muñoz Organero, Mario, 2024, "Dataset for the automatic detection of traffic lights, street crossings and urban roundabouts based on GPS traces while driving",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
A specifically designed dataset generated using a driving path in Madrid which has been traveled 55 times using 3 different car models. The journey includes two urban areas and a connecting motorway. The overall length is 8.1 km and includes several road elements of interest (tra...
14 dic. 2023
Ramajo-Ballester, Álvaro, 2023, "UC3M-LP Dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
UC3M-LP is the largest open-source dataset for European license plate detection and recognition and the first one ever for Spanish license plates. It contains 1975 images from 2547 different vehicles and comprising a total of 12757 plate characters.
14 dic. 2023
Ramajo-Ballester, Álvaro, 2023, "UC3M-VRI Dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
UC3M-VRI is a dataset for Vehicle Re-Identification based on visual features. It contains 1611 images from 286 different vehicles. Labels include information about make and model of the vehicle.
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