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1 a 10 de 379 Resultados
Effort ProjectEmbargado
1 jul. 2024
Radl, Jonas, 2022, "Effort Project",, e-cienciaDatos, V5
Child experimental data and associated survey data: The dataset contains socioeconomic data and experimental measures of cognitive effort stemming from fifth-grade students and their parents. Among the socioeconomic variables that can be found in the dataset are the gender, age,...
1 jul. 2024 - Effort Project
Texto plano - 9,9 KB - MD5: b29ec21c33c2ba33256f62c8905c08c7
1 jul. 2024 - Effort Project
Archivo ZIP - 21,5 KB - MD5: 8e0fb045cc67e0e83a0a87edb41c1d0d
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 129,4 KB - MD5: 88e2b0cc542672571901f1f928712eaf
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 80,4 KB - MD5: 64ecd23292bf1121a44173d789b37928
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Valores separados por comas - 2,0 MB - MD5: 48a1a6484297d69ac9d24753fb1e94e0
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Binario Stata 14 - 1,6 MB - MD5: a317c0e0bef5f375d39772714c513376
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Valores separados por comas - 226,0 KB - MD5: 76d6e7315ab7ee88039e739c0eb3c0eb
28 feb. 2024 - Effort Project
Binario Stata 14 - 376,0 KB - MD5: 5159ab0ce9a997294021d1feba76a524
4 ago. 2023 - EMPATIA-CM (protEcción integral de las víctimas de violencia de género Mediante comPutación AfecTIva multimodAl)
Miranda Calero, José Angel; Gutiérrez Martín, Laura; Martínez Rubio, Eva; Blanco Ruiz, María Ángeles; Sainz de Baranda Andújar, Clara; Romero Perales, Elena; San Segundo Manuel, Rosa; López Ongil, Celia, 2022, "UC3M4Safety Database - WEMAC: Biopsychosocial questionnaire and informed consent",, e-cienciaDatos, V3
EMPATIA-CM (Comprehensive Protection of Gender-based Violence Victims through Multimodal Affective Computing) is a research project that aims to generally understand the reactions of Gender-based Violence Victims to situations of danger, generate mechanisms for automatic detectio...
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