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21 a 30 de 81 Resultados
9 ene. 2024
Segura Bedmar, Isabel; Camino Perdones, David; Guerrero Aspizua, Sara, 2024, "NLP4RARE-NER",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
El dataset contiene el código de la implementación y experimentación de los enfoques propuestos en el artículo: Isabel Segura Bedmar, David Camino Perdones, Sara Guerrero Aspizua. (2022). Exploring deep learning methods for recognizing rare diseases and their clinical manifestati...
8 ene. 2024
Muñoz Organero, Mario, 2024, "Dataset for the automatic detection of traffic lights, street crossings and urban roundabouts based on GPS traces while driving",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
A specifically designed dataset generated using a driving path in Madrid which has been traveled 55 times using 3 different car models. The journey includes two urban areas and a connecting motorway. The overall length is 8.1 km and includes several road elements of interest (tra...
8 ene. 2024
Muñoz Organero, Mario, 2024, "Dataset for sample T1DM simulated patients used to validate the paper Muñoz-Organero, M. “Deep physiological model for blood glucose prediction in T1DM patients”. Sensors (Switzerland), 2020, 20(14), pp. 1–17, 3896",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The AIDA diabetes simulator has been used to generate 10 days of data for the different models implemented by the tool.
14 dic. 2023
Ramajo-Ballester, Álvaro, 2023, "UC3M-LP Dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
UC3M-LP is the largest open-source dataset for European license plate detection and recognition and the first one ever for Spanish license plates. It contains 1975 images from 2547 different vehicles and comprising a total of 12757 plate characters.
14 dic. 2023
Ramajo-Ballester, Álvaro, 2023, "UC3M-VRI Dataset",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
UC3M-VRI is a dataset for Vehicle Re-Identification based on visual features. It contains 1611 images from 286 different vehicles. Labels include information about make and model of the vehicle.
27 nov. 2023
Ledesma Larrea, Pablo, 2023, "GRFORM: Modeling of droop-controlled grid-forming inverter in PSSE",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
A positive sequence user model in PSSE that represents a droop-controlled, grid-forming inverter. The model is described here: Du, W., Liu, Y., Huang, R., Tuffner, F. K., Xie, J., & Huang, Z. (24-28 April 2022). Positive-Sequence Phasor Modeling of Droop-Controlled, Grid-Forming...
27 nov. 2023
Ledesma Larrea, Pablo, 2023, "CIM2RAW: Translation of CGMES-CIM files into PSSE RAW format",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
A Python program that translates CGMES-CIM files into a PSSE RAWX file
13 nov. 2023
Vázquez Cortés, Alejandro, 2023, "Hydrogen absorption energy diagrams calculations for niobium and vanadium",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset contains the input files INCAR (solver input), POSCAR (atomic position input), POTCAR (atomic potentials input) and MODECAR (dimer input). This dataset contains the output files CONTCAR/CENTCAR (atomic position output), OUTCAR (energetic output), #run.out (convergenc...
31 oct. 2023 - Materiales avanzados para aplicaciones en energía solar
Galiana Blanco, Beatriz, 2023, "InGaAs_nanodots",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
TEM measurements on InGaAs nanodots on nanostructured GaAs-on-Si substrates
31 oct. 2023 - Materiales avanzados para aplicaciones en energía solar
Galiana Blanco, Beatriz, 2023, "TiPdAg_contact",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
TEM and EDS measurements of TiPdAg contact for GaAs layer. EDS Data anaylisis
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