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51 a 60 de 3.329 Resultados
31 ene. 2024
Herráez, Ángel; Marrodán, M. Dolores; González Montero de Espinosa, Marisa, 2024, "Variation of the cormic index since the onset of summer school camps in Spain (1887) up to present days",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Data were transcribed from the archives of general anthropological forms collected by MPN between 1887 and 1924. Data were validated, filtered and finally pooled according to children age and the year of measurement. They were analysed in search of any secular trends and also in...
Hola de cálculo OpenOffice - 112,3 KB - MD5: ff5f6e50a48966babf836cf353eeeb30
30 ene. 2024
García-de-Villa, Sara; Jiménez Martín, Ana; García Domínguez, Juan Jesús, 2024, "PHYTMO database",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Database of physical therapy exercises with variability of execution collected by wearable sensors. The PHYTMO database contains data from physical therapy exercises and gait variations recorded with magneto-inertial sensors, including information from an optical reference system...
30 ene. 2024 - PHYTMO database
Archivo ZIP - 3,4 GB - MD5: 3c21da9abac392c9f998df379d4b7f42
A total of 7 076 CSV files are included. Files are called with the nomenclature GNNEEELP_S, where G refers to the letter of the range of age, so it is “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “E”; NN is number of identification of the volunteer, which ranges from “01” to “10”; EEE indicates the typ...
30 ene. 2024
Ordieres Díez, Isabel, 2024, "Exposición "La Librería Moderna" y la vida cultural santanderina 1915-1962)" promovida por la Universidad de Cantabria en 2015. Comisariada por Isabel Ordieres",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Exposición realizada para difundir la investigación realizada sobre la labor editorial de la Librería Moderna de Santander. Se publicó una monografía con igual título a papel. Además de los paneles en los que se explicaba de forma conjunta la labor editorial de la Librería y su v...
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