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Texto plano - 9,0 KB - MD5: 759505a18c1dcd2a56c2eacf505ab92c
application/mac-compactpro - 3,7 KB - MD5: 1bdbc03a72c0edd8ae5de9ca759955e9
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
application/mac-compactpro - 1,2 KB - MD5: a073c6e0081a01285a732315a8d957f8
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
application/mac-compactpro - 181,5 KB - MD5: acb5026528be6b027f4dd7ef377b0948
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
4 ago 2023 - EMPATIA-CM (protEcción integral de las víctimas de violencia de género Mediante comPutación AfecTIva multimodAl)
Miranda Calero, José Angel; Gutiérrez Martín, Laura; Martínez Rubio, Eva; Blanco Ruiz, María Ángeles; Sainz de Baranda Andújar, Clara; Romero Perales, Elena; Alboreca Fernández-Barredo, Bárbara; San Segundo Manuel, Rosa; López Ongil, Celia, 2022, "UC3M4Safety Database - WEMAC: Emotional labelling",, e-cienciaDatos, V3
EMPATIA-CM (Comprehensive Protection of Gender-based Violence Victims through Multimodal Affective Computing) is a research project that aims to generally understand the reactions of Gender-based Violence Victims to situations of danger, generate mechanisms for automatic detectio...
application/mac-compactpro - 65,3 KB - MD5: a11b241b901817ff24fb1a69fa30f091
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
Texto plano - 10,3 KB - MD5: 66b215cf85bf9afe03c391f0d6e47a3a
application/mac-compactpro - 1,2 KB - MD5: 3829af9c7b8761fd514c38b5aefeb71b
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
application/mac-compactpro - 494,6 KB - MD5: 355379fa1af36bf2b8428057d268fb21
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
4 ago 2023 - EMPATIA-CM (protEcción integral de las víctimas de violencia de género Mediante comPutación AfecTIva multimodAl)
Miranda Calero, José Angel; Gutiérrez Martín, Laura; Canabal Benito, Manuel Felipe; Paez Montoro, Alba; Ramírez Bárcenas, Alberto; Lanza Gutiérrez, José Manuel; Romero Perales, Elena; López Ongil, Celia, 2022, "UC3M4Safety Database - WEMAC: Physiological signals",, e-cienciaDatos, V3
EMPATIA-CM (Comprehensive Protection of Gender-based Violence Victims through Multimodal Affective Computing) is a research project that aims to generally understand the reactions of Gender-based Violence Victims to situations of danger, generate mechanisms for automatic detectio...
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