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1 a 10 de 1.852 Resultados
6 mar 2025 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Sáez Torner, Marta; Higuera de Frutos, Santiago; Castro Malpica, Maria, 2024, "Art-SimulatorValidation",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Descripción del proyecto The proyect SIMGEOSEV (Driving Simulators and Geospatial Technologies for Traffic Safety Studies) studies the relationships between driver behaviour and road design variables using a driving simulator. Descripción del dataset Data available are: 1- Vehicl...
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 154,0 KB - MD5: acbe06fa8c998a052d99cb03178c55d0
Texto plano - 4,2 KB - MD5: f3d139c447a6c4d32f0e2e5209af79ab
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24 feb 2025 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Herrero- Alonso, Diego; Maíllo Fernández, José Manuel; Abellán-Beltrán, Natalia; Moral, Macarena; González-Molina, Irene; Solano-Megías, Irene; Luzón-Ruiz, Sofía; Marín Hernando, Juan; Álvarez-Vena, Adrián; Martín-Perea, David Manuel; Neira Campos, Ana; Bernaldo de Quirós Guidotti, Federico; Tarriño Vinagre, Andoni, 2024, "Supplementary Online Material: Neanderthal mobility over very long distances: the case of El Castillo cave (northern Spain) and the “Vasconian” Mousterian.",, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This project analyses the origin of the flint used in early MIS 3 and late MIS 4 by the Neanderthals of El Castillo. The results provide provenances of more than 400 km in the south of France and 200 km to the west (central Asturias). This generates a social territory of these Ne...
Datos tabulares - 599 B
Supplementary Online Material 1. Correlation of the archaeological levels between the excavation of Hugo Obermaier, Victoria Cabrera and this study.
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Supplementary Online Material 2. SOM2.2: quantitative dataset used for the exploratory PCA, K-means and cluster-dendrogram analyses; SOM4.2: categorical dataset used for the MCA analysis.
Datos tabulares - 630 B
Supplementary Online Material 5: Presence of cortex by raw material. I: cortical, IIA: > 2/3; IIB: 1/3–2/3; IIC: <1/3; III: no cortex.
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Supplementary Online Material 6: Types of flint and radiolarite and their technological classification (after Geneste, 1985; Maíllo-Fernández, 2003).
MS Word - 397,4 KB - MD5: 6f187e24e07e8ab64bdac3d7e4c666f7
Supplementary Online Material 3: exploratory data analysis.
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