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271 a 280 de 1.321 Resultados
Texto plano - 4,0 KB - MD5: 27db86f7a4b78284be7bbebd634d2394
13 jun. 2024 - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Molina Moreno, Miguel; González Díaz, Iván; Rivera Gorrín, Maite; Burguera Vion, Víctor; Díaz de María, Fernando, 2024, "URI-CAD: Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Ultrasound Renal Imaging - IRYCIS (Hospital Ramón y Cajal)", https://doi.org/10.21950/0E0CTF, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The 2D ultrasound imaging database contains the kidney location and complete diagnosis of 1985 images (with 450 healthy and 1535 pathological kidneys), annotated by two experienced nephrologists from Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal. The annotations for each clinical cases in...
Archivo ZIP - 72,2 MB - MD5: a7d8960cc1cbe495c7cd735798c7163a
Archivo ZIP - 2,1 GB - MD5: 0a867465f6fb133a947cbd720559b2e4
Texto plano - 10,2 KB - MD5: 3f1c1dab816c278524c5b2438d529375
11 jun. 2024 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Pelaez Beato, Marta; Carranza Jimenez, Guillermo; Gambra Caravantes, Daniel; Perea García-Calvo, Ramón, 2024, "Data to reproduce the analyses described in the manuscript: Acorn removal and seedling age determine oak (Quercus ilex L. and Q. suber L.) restoration outcome in ungulate-dominated Mediterranean environments", https://doi.org/10.21950/VF8MWV, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project Context: In the face of anthropogenic global change, Mediterranean oak-dominated ecosystems confront increased biotic (ungulate herbivory) and abiotic (drought) stressors, compromising forest regeneration. Restoration measures are imperative to address...
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 160,6 KB - MD5: 1e78cadbac431307ebe7a7f32ab777c6
This data base contains the data obtained from the Dualex ® TMScientific+ measurements. Variables description: group: Numeric identifier recorded by the Dualex each time the leaves of a plant were measured. Each plant had five leaves measured, and this number connects with the...
Hoja de cálculo MS Excel - 183,5 KB - MD5: 9d86fe3731f7575afa684cdf71dabde1
This database contains the information of the oak seedlings planted as part of the experiment described in the manuscript “Acorn removal and seedling age determine oak restoration outcome in ungulate-dominated Mediterranean environments” Variables description: SITE: Text indicat...
30 may. 2024 - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Romero Villarreal, Carlos; Domínguez, Carlota; Botas, Cristina; Gordo, Elena, 2024, "Effect of the graphene-based material on the conductivity and corrosion behaviour of PTFE/graphene-based composites coatings on titanium for PEM fuel cell bipolar plates", https://doi.org/10.21950/TH6TEA, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset includes the data required to validate the results published in the article with title "Effect of the graphene-based material on the conductivity and corrosion behaviour of PTFE/graphene-based composites coatings on titanium for PEM fuel cell bipolar plates", submitt...
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