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771 a 780 de 1.325 Resultados
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 2
Texto plano - 3,3 KB - MD5: 0b0d2f510eba80e8700d731deb0e90cf
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 1", https://doi.org/10.21950/DMV7U4, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 1
Archivo 7Z - 397,3 KB - MD5: 3a82ecc1c695b792da972e3ca016eded
ENCRYPTED FILE. Send a message to taciana.fisac@uam.es in order to obtain the password which decrypts the file
12 abr. 2024 - Interview in Spain 1
Texto plano - 3,3 KB - MD5: 0e565d955a60217e2efccbbe2c0297a5
Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
12 abr. 2024Repositorio de datos UAM
The EU Horizon project 'Dealing with a Resurgent China' (DWARC) recognises that the reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive Chin...
12 abr. 2024 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Severino Fernández Galán, 2024, "Supplementary code for the article: Minimum Modulus Visualization of Algebraic Fractals", https://doi.org/10.21950/H1OBX1, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the dataset Fractals are a family of shapes formed by irregular and fragmented patterns. They can be classified into two main groups: geometric and algebraic. Whereas the former are characterized by a fixed geometric replacement rule, the latter are defined by a re...
Desconocido - 23,9 KB - MD5: aef62efa9be23ee4289b41dffa2f6b60
NetLogo model
Texto plano - 3,7 KB - MD5: 21540621d8d216c37ab981d1d8e0444c
Texto plano - 193 B - MD5: 850e87adc884e45435238ccca96c207c
How to freely download NetLogo in order to execute the model minimum-modulus.nlogo
5 abr. 2024 - Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020
Absell, Christopher; Federico, Giovanni; Tena Junguito, Antonio, 2024, "Absell-Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database 1948-2020 : Syria", https://doi.org/10.21950/KLIQD5, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Project developed by Christopher Absell (University Gothenburg and Instituto Figuerola) Giovanni Federico (New York University Dubai) and Antonio Tena Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Instituto Figuerola). Dataset: Syria
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