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721 a 730 de 985 Resultados
Texto plano - 5,1 KB - MD5: 9f9e457e46ce9b6c7d4596bf98a1a1b7
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Datos tabulares - 36,2 MB
A CSV file containing the actual dialogues generated by the ChatGPT model. Each dialogue entry consists of conversational turns between the expert and user agents.
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
JSON - 152,2 KB - MD5: 72cfc7ed2cc6717158cf57e4136b6e59
Contains a structured taxonomy with codes for identifying the different elements of the dataset. It includes codes for profiles, such as painting, expert, and user profiles. Additionally, it contains codes for various attributes such as emotions, toxicity and biases.
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
MS Word - 21,9 KB - MD5: 6d6f05a1e9ba0d4b0e41518e43bdb892
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Datos tabulares - 11,5 MB
Comma-separated values (CSV) file containing detailed information about each dialogue in the dataset. It includes data such as the author and style of the artwork, emotions, goals, roles, toxicity, and anthropology. This files server as a comprehensive reference for understanding...
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Valores separados por comas - 43,9 MB - MD5: bd704adf31791f8acb0d356517aaaefa
A CSV file providing a summary of evaluation metrics obtained to assess the quality and characteristics of the generated dialogues. It includes dialogue-level metrics, toxicity level and categories, syntactic and semantic-based objective metrics, and sentiment analysis results. T...
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Datos tabulares - 16,8 MB
A CSV file that stores the prompts used in generating the dialogues by the ChatGPT model. These prompts provide instructions and guidelines for initiating conversations between the expert and user within the context of discussing artworks in a museum setting.
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Texto plano - 12,8 KB - MD5: 9dc97262797939ee32d5bf82a6af4ea8
28 feb. 2024 - Art-GenEvalGPT
Valores separados por comas - 2,4 MB - MD5: 0855f558bab99f6fdac2e43889e8655e
A CSV file that contains information about toxicity levels observed within the generated dialogues. It comprises boolean columns, one representing whether the dialogue should be toxic within the prompt, other whether toxicity detection using the Detoxify library with a toxic thre...
Archivo ZIP - 11,3 MB - MD5: 38d666d9ad10066de13dc8ff68571e3b
Folders including gnuplot scripts and datafile to reproduce all the pictures in the paper
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