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881 a 890 de 928 Resultados
30 mar. 2022 - Animated Sound
Audio MP3 - 4,9 MB - MD5: a5129cd9c8113a81cd3b94613d537e9a
30 mar. 2022 - Animated Sound
Vídeo MPEG-4 - 8,6 MB - MD5: aa44a591294f9dfb38a2513e21218985
30 mar. 2022 - Animated Sound
Texto plano - 3,8 KB - MD5: 96607a3152531206801e93a6aa30b638
22 mar. 2022 - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Martínez-Herrada, Antonio; de Paz, Ana; Pellón, Ricardo, 2022, "Socialization, and its modulation by sex, on the development and recovery of activity-based anorexia in rats", https://doi.org/10.21950/LPNFCX, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Description of the project Activity-based anorexia (ABA) is the main animal model used in the laboratory to study the role of restricted food intake and the central importance of excessive physical activity on the severe weight loss observed in the human disorder of anorexia nerv...
Archivo ZIP - 762,2 KB - MD5: f4284c1633291d2edfa818efb56acd8c
4 folders with .txt files of the activity distribution from the four ABA groups (male and female): Female_groups_FAA (TXT). Number of wheel turns in 1-minute intervals in the food anticipatory activity period of the two ABA female groups. ---. Female_groups_PPA (TXT). Number...
Datos tabulares - 1,5 KB
Number of total wheel turns (FAA + PPA) of the two female ABA groups.
Datos tabulares - 1,5 KB
Number of wheel turns during the food anticipatory activity period (FAA) of the two female ABA groups
Datos tabulares - 3,2 KB
Grams of food consumed in the food intake period by the four groups of female rats
Datos tabulares - 1,4 KB
Number of wheel turns during the postprandial activity period (PPA) of the two female ABA groups
Datos tabulares - 68 B
Number of days that each withdrawn female rat needed to recover its body weight in session 0
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