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11 a 20 de 46 Resultados
5 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Fernández Pintor, Begoña; Casado Navas, Natalia; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Evaluation of the thermal stability and transfer rate of pyrrolizidine alkaloids during the brewing of herbal infusions contaminated with Echium vulgare and Senecio vulgaris weeds", https://doi.org/10.21950/CFFQF6, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the concentration found of PAs in two PA-containing plants (Echium vulgare and Senecio vulgaris), the percentage of PAs not degraded in the thermal degradation study carried out with standard solutions, and the results of the transfer rate of...
5 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Casado Navas, Natalia; Casado Hidalgo, Gema; González Gómez, Lorena; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Insight into the Impact of Food Processing and Culinary Preparations on the Stability and Content of Plant Alkaloids Considered as Natural Food Contaminants", https://doi.org/10.21950/E3KJPX, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of evolution in the number of food alerts that have noted high levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), tropane alkaloids (TAs) and opium alkaloids (OAs) from 2012 to 2022, distribution of food alerts based on the food type contaminated, overvie...
5 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
González Gómez, Lorena; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; A.M. Pereira, Jorge; S. Câmara, José; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Evaluation of Tropane Alkaloids in Teas and Herbal Infusions: Effect of Brewing Time and Temperature on Atropine and Scopolamine Content", https://doi.org/10.21950/UTRUBT, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of analytical performance of µSPEed®, recovery percentages (n = 3) evaluated in all infusion samples studied at 2.5 ng/mL, contents of atropine and scopolamine in the tea and herbal tea infusions analyzed, effect of heating (97 °C maintained for...
5 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
González Gómez, Lorena; Gañán Aceituno, Judith; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Atropine and scopolamine occurrence in spices and fennel infusions", https://doi.org/10.21950/DM0OXF, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of comparison of materiales (SBA-15-SO3- (150 mg) and HMS-SO3- (75 mg and 150 mg)) as sorbents for solid-phase extraction, revoveries applying the protocol established by Mulder et al. (2016) with OASIS® MCX, in-house validation for the atropine...
5 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Gañán Aceituno, Judith; Martínez García, Gonzalo; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Nanomaterials-modified electrochemical sensors for sensitive determination of alkaloids: recent advanced in biological, pharmaceutical and agri-food samples", https://doi.org/10.21950/TAWVZG, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the information of the chemical group base, biological distribution, pharmacological activity and adverse effects of reviewed alkaloids (Sheet 1) and of the different nanomaterial modifiers employed in the reviewed electrochemical sensors for determination...
3 jul. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Martínez García, Isabel; Gaona Scheytt, Carlos; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Development of a Green, Quick, and Efficient Method Based on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction Followed by HPLC-DAD for the Analysis of Bioactive Glycoalkaloids in Potato Peel Waste", https://doi.org/10.21950/PLAUGA, e-cienciaDatos, V1
α-Solanine and α-chaconine are the two most predominant glycoalkaloids (GAs) present in potato. Potato peel contains a high concentration of GAs, which are especially interesting for application in the pharmaceutical industry due to their different beneficial properties (such as...
14 jun. 2024 - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Prieto-Díaz, Pablo A.; Maurice, Ange A.; Vera, Marcos, 2024, "Measurements of density and viscosity of vanadium posolyte and negolyte", https://doi.org/10.21950/M0OG5W, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Raw density and viscosity measurements obtained from 272 samples, with their associated composition and temperature.
30 may. 2024 - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Romero Villarreal, Carlos; Domínguez, Carlota; Botas, Cristina; Gordo, Elena, 2024, "Effect of the graphene-based material on the conductivity and corrosion behaviour of PTFE/graphene-based composites coatings on titanium for PEM fuel cell bipolar plates", https://doi.org/10.21950/TH6TEA, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This dataset includes the data required to validate the results published in the article with title "Effect of the graphene-based material on the conductivity and corrosion behaviour of PTFE/graphene-based composites coatings on titanium for PEM fuel cell bipolar plates", submitt...
17 may. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Ruiz-Aceituno, Laura; Casado, Natalia; Arriero Romo, Emma; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel; Lázaro, Almudena, 2024, "Development of Gluten-Free Bread Based on Maize and Buckwheat and Enriched with Aromatic Herbs and Spices", https://doi.org/10.21950/BQ7E58, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the Box–Behnken experimental design, the data to obtain the Response surface graphs, the results of the Optimization of variables, data of Physical properties from the bread formulations tested, the proximate chemical composition of the final...
7 may. 2024 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Gema Casado Hidalgo; Sonia Morante Zarcero; Damián Pérez Quintanilla; Isabel Sierra Alonso, 2024, "Investigating the effect of different grinding conditions and methods on the concentration of opium alkaloids in poppy seeds as a good reduction practice", https://doi.org/10.21950/1OJDHP, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the optimal parameters of multiple reaction mode for the analysis of six opium alkaloids and two internal standards by HPLC-MS/MS, the matrix-matched calibration curves corrected with isotope-labelled IS employed to quantification of OAs in g...
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