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61 a 70 de 79 Resultados
16 dic. 2021 - Yearly Local Disturbance index datasets
Guerrero Ortega, Antonio; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Saiz Villanueva, Elena, 2021, "Local Geomagnetic index (LDi) for 2020 at different locations", https://doi.org/10.21950/BYPBLR, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This local geomagnetic index indicates the perturbation of the geomagnetic field (horizontal component) for several locations. It is a measure of the external to the Earth irregular geomagnetic variations. It is obtained after removing a baseline and the daily regular variation f...
2 nov. 2021 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Rubio-Cuadrado, Álvaro; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Bosela, Michal, 2021, "Introducing climwin package of R to dendrochronologists", https://doi.org/10.21950/IYFSJB, e-cienciaDatos, V1
R scripts showing how to use climwin package with tree-ring width and anatomy chronologies. The databases needed to use the scripts are included. -------------------------- FILES -------------------------- 1. climwin with dendro and anatomy.R R script in which climwin is used to...
29 oct. 2021 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Bados Sevillano, Raquel; Tolosana Esteban, Eduardo; Esteban Pascual, Luis Saúl; Fernández Landa, Alfredo, 2021, "Dasometric data of rockrose (Cistus laurifolius) sampling plots in four shrublands located in Soria (Spain)", https://doi.org/10.21950/6PATTO, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Descripción del proyecto: The purpose of field data collection is building weight equations to predict dry biomass weight per hectare (t/ha) and dry biomass weight per plant (kg/plant) of rockrose (Cistus laurifolius L.) shrublands in Central Spain. Descripción del dataset: The d...
7 abr. 2021 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Malo, Juan E.; Mata, Cristina, 2021, "Web databases of feather photographs are useful tools for avian morphometry studies", https://doi.org/10.21950/ZYAOU6, e-cienciaDatos, V1
1. Wing area, wing loading and aspect ratio are key variables for studies of avian comparative ecology, despite the complexity of measuring wing characteristics in living and museum specimens. The systematic databases of feather photographs available on the internet may offer an...
15 dic. 2020 - Universidad de Alcalá
Flores-Soriano, Manuel; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Crapolicchio, Raffaele, 2020, "Solar radio bursts from SMOS v621 Sun brightness temperature 1.4 GHz validation data", https://doi.org/10.21950/I9KQUV, e-cienciaDatos, V1
List of solar radio bursts (1.4 GHz) in the SMOS v621 data with peak Sun brightness temperature 10^5 K above the local background and associated X-ray flare, if any. Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) is a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA).
26 nov. 2020 - Universidad de Alcalá
Flores-Soriano, Manuel; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo, 2020, "Comparison between GOES flares, SOHO/LASCO CMEs and RSTN 1.4 GHz solar radio bursts", https://doi.org/10.21950/PPD8ZW, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Study 1.4 GHz solar radio bursts as counterparts to coronal mass ejections. For a list of GOES X-ray flares of class M5 or higher, this dataset provides the time integral of their associated 1.4 GHz solar radio burst and compares them with the speed, angular width and kinetic ene...
16 nov. 2020 - Universidad de Alcalá
Saldaña-López, Asunción; Vilà, Montserrat; Lloret, Francisco; Herrera, José Manuel; González-Moreno, Pablo, 2020, "Assembly of species climatic niches of coastal communities does not shift after invasion", https://doi.org/10.21950/BWFV9U, e-cienciaDatos, V1
In this study, we analyzed the effects of invasion by four exotic species with different life strategies on the climatic niche of a plant community located in a coastal area of southwestern Spain. We used ordination methods and examined the community species composition. There wa...
8 jul. 2020 - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Rubio-Cuadrado, Álvaro; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Gonzalez Gordaliza, Guillermo Jose; Cerioni, Matteo; Montes, Fernando; Gil Sanchez, Luis Alfonso, 2020, "Datos de dendrocronología y competencia de El Hayedo de Montejo", https://doi.org/10.21950/VEQWPI, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Proyecto de investigación que busca conocer la importancia relativa del aumento de la espesura y del cambio climático en el decaimiento del crecimiento radial observado en los árboles de El Hayedo de Montejo. DESCRIPCIÓN DE LOS DATOS Crecimientos radiales de Fagus sylvatica, Quer...
3 jul. 2020 - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Bonnefond, Anaïs; Courtois, Elodie A.; Sueur, Jérôme; Sugai, Larissa Sayuri Moreira; Llusia, Diego, 2020, "Climatic breadth of calling behaviour in two widespread Neotropical frogs: insights from humidity extremes", https://doi.org/10.21950/LHESKW, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Climate change is severely altering precipitation regimes at local and global scales, yet the capacity of species to cope with these changes has been insufficiently examined. Amphibians are globally endangered and particularly sensitive to moisture conditions. For mating, most am...
19 sept. 2019 - ESA Fire Climate Change Initiative (CCI)
Chuvieco, Emilio; Pettinari, María Lucrecia; Tanse, Mihai; Belenguer Plomer, Miguel Ángel; Lizundia-Loiola, Joshua, 2019, "FireCCIS1SA10: ESA Fire Climate Change Initiative (Fire_cci) - Sentinel-1 Burned Area product for a Large Demonstrator Area in South America", https://doi.org/10.21950/VTDZ1L, e-cienciaDatos, V1
In support of the IPCC, the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme comprises the participation of different projects, each focusing on the production of global coverage of an Essential Climate Variable (ECV). The ECV Fire Disturbance (Fire_cci) provides validated, error-ch...
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