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71 a 79 de 79 Resultados
28 may. 2019 - Universidad de Alcalá
Guerrero Ortega, Antonio; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Saiz Villanueva, Elena, 2019, "Local Geomagnetic index (LDi) for Spain from 1997-2017", https://doi.org/10.21950/HNTNCW, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This local geomagnetic index indicates the perturbation of the geomagnetic field (horizontal component) for the Iberian Peninsula. It is a measure of the external irregular geomagnetic variations after removing the baseline and the daily regular variation.
27 may. 2019 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Javier Morente López; Alfredo García Fernandez; José María Iriondo Alegría, 2018, "Microsatellite genetic characterization of Silene ciliata Poiret (Caryophyllaceae)", https://doi.org/10.21950/GSTZ26, e-cienciaDatos, V2
We collected S. ciliata leaf tissue from 20 genets per population for genetic analysis (n = 180). DNeasy Plant minikit (QIAGEN, Valencia, USA) was used for DNA extraction of 10–20 mg of dried S. ciliata tissue. Based on a previous study (García-Fernández et al. 2012) we selected...
27 may. 2019 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Jesús López-Angulo; Adrián Escudero; Ana Sánchez; David Pescador; Maritza Mihoc, 2018, "Inventory of high-mountain plants of the Chilean Andes", https://doi.org/10.21950/ALGRAN, e-cienciaDatos, V2
This dataset describes the high-mountain plant composition at three mountain massifs (Farellones, Maule and the NP Torres del Paine) situated over a long latitudinal gradient at the Chilean Andes. Sampling methodology, dates and coordinates are also available.
25 abr. 2019 - Universidad de Alcalá
Castro Diez, Pilar, 2019, "Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services", https://doi.org/10.21950/EGM8SE, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Non-native tree (NNT) species have been transported worldwide to create or enhance services that are fundamental for human well-being, such as timber provision, erosion control or ornamental value; yet NNTs can also produce undesired effects, such as fire proneness or pollen alle...
17 jul. 2018 - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Javier Morente López; José María Iriondo Alegría, 2018, "Flowering phenology data of Silene ciliata Poiret (Caryophyllaceae)", https://doi.org/10.21950/XLYLQK, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This data set contains the phenological monitoring of nine Silene ciliate populations located in three mountains of the Sistema Central (Spain). We counted the total number of new flowers of each plant weekly from 15 April 2014, when the first flower appeared, until 25 September...
4 jun. 2018 - Universidad de Alcalá
Leverkus, Alexandro B.; Lindenmayer, David B.; Thorn, Simon; Gustafsson, Lena, 2018, "Data for: Salvage logging in the world’s forests: Interactions between natural disturbance and logging need recognition", https://doi.org/10.21950/MF3TH1, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Designs and locations of the individual studies that produced the 209 publications mentioned in the paper. These publications were retrieved during a systematic map on salvage logging effects on ecosystem services (for methods, refer to the text and to Leverkus et al. 2018, Can....
4 jun. 2018 - Universidad de Alcalá
Leverkus, Alexandro B.; Rey Benayas, José Mária; Castro, Jorge; Boucher, Dominique; Brewer, Stephen; Collins, Brandon M.; Donato, Daniel; Fraver, Shawn; Kishchuk, Barbara E; Lee, Eun-Jae; Lindenmayer, David B.; Lingua, Emanuele; Macdonald, Ellen; Marzano, Raffaella; Rhoades, Charles C.; Royo, Alejandro; Thorn, Simon; Wagenbrenner, Joseph W.; Waldron, Kaysandra; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Gustafsson, Lena, 2018, "Systematic map database for: Salvage logging effects on regulating and supporting ecosystem services. A systematic map", https://doi.org/10.21950/AAD6R3, e-cienciaDatos, V2
Systematic Map database (in tab-delimited text format). All details and explanations can be found in Appendix A1 of the manuscript ("Systematic map database and data coding strategy”).
28 may. 2018 - Universidad de Alcalá
Ramos, Miguel; Pablo, Miguel Ángel de, 2018, "Medidas de la capa activa del sitio CALM-S A 16. Isla Decepción Antártida", https://doi.org/10.21950/TTCBVT, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Datos del espesor de la capa activa, capa nival y temperaturas medias anuales del suelo y aire.
17 mar. 2017 - Universidad de Alcalá
Leverkus, Alexandro B.; Castro, Jorge, 2017, "An ecosystem services approach to the ecological effects of salvage logging: valuation of seed dispersal", https://doi.org/10.21950/WAVFNR, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Data used to calculate the replacement cost of the natural regeneration of the Holm oak under three post-fire management scenarios in Leverkus and Castro (Ecological Applications, 2017). The data consist of a) the densities of natural regeneration in each replicate of the three t...
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