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21 a 30 de 929 Resultados
application/mac-compactpro - 804,4 MB - MD5: 76d393fed6a5cf182152b2bdf0e66814
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
Texto plano - 10,2 KB - MD5: 20d33d218ce23f9c578dc4370c408c98
application/mac-compactpro - 1,2 KB - MD5: 8e87505957508a2d6dc10e480d3d4ecc
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
application/mac-compactpro - 133,3 KB - MD5: a0f4c11358976489d53e3f61489df460
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
4 ago 2023 - EMPATIA-CM (protEcción integral de las víctimas de violencia de género Mediante comPutación AfecTIva multimodAl)
Rituerto González, Esther; Miranda Calero, José Angel; Luis Mingueza, Clara; Gutiérrez Martín, Laura; Canabal Benito, Manuel Felipe; Lanza Gutiérrez, José Manuel; Peláez Moreno, Carmen; López Ongil, Celia, 2022, "UC3M4Safety Database - WEMAC: Audio features",, e-cienciaDatos, V4
EMPATIA-CM (Comprehensive Protection of Gender-based Violence Victims through Multimodal Affective Computing) is a research project that aims to generally understand the reactions of Gender-based Violence Victims to situations of danger, generate mechanisms for automatic detectio...
Texto plano - 10,4 KB - MD5: 0208015e6d6123133454db3f1275a5c8
application/mac-compactpro - 1,2 KB - MD5: 569916ac267b747d3f2bba4b16ded3a5
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
application/mac-compactpro - 1,9 GB - MD5: 2548ded98659e78f3e728c44f4748efd
IMPORTANT NOTE: This file is encrypted. To obtain the password, you must send the DUA (Data Usage Agreement) available on this website to
Datos de texto de campo fijo - 48,5 MB - MD5: 584e2ec1efb31e58ce4138b946a13a9c
Datos de texto de campo fijo - 48,7 MB - MD5: c6a82392efa654a9c12eb5b1430b1e2a
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