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1 a 10 de 470 Resultados
18 oct. 2024 - Universidad de Alcalá
García Triviño, Francisco Antonio (Investigador principal); Gómez Sal, Antonio; Quesada López, Fernando; Belliure Ferrer, Josabel; Aguilera Benavente, Francisco; Montes Espín, Rosalina; Sánchez Coterón, Lara; Díaz Aranda, Luisa María; Ballesteros Mateos, Víctor; Rebollo de la Torre, Salvador; Cisneros Azpiazu, Ainara; González Torremocha, Ana; Álvarez, Paula Valeria; López-Galiacho Álvarez, Emilio, 2024, "DATARQUIFAUR", https://doi.org/10.21950/YLYVQC, e-cienciaDatos, V3
Información básica generada por el proyecto de investigación ARQUIFAUR haciendo uso de los datos registrados en colaboración con la ciudadanía que formó parte del proyecto, durante el laboratorio ciudadano CRAI Ciudadan@. Proyecto de investigación que explora y registra las aves...
10 oct. 2024 - Universidad de Alcalá
María Jesús Ferrnández-Gil; Luisa Juárez-Hervás; Lorena Silos Ribas; Israel Doncel Martín, 2024, "Catálogo HORES. El Holocausto y su representación en España", https://doi.org/10.21950/XIXCUL, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Este dataset permite localizar todas las creaciones artísticas y culturales de autoría española vinculadas al Holocausto desde 1933 hasta el 2024, e identificarlas según su tipología, su fecha de creación, el idioma, la institución promotora o su autor/a.
10 may. 2024 - Universidad de Alcalá
Vitalaru, Bianca, 2024, "Requisitos y habilidades para la traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos", https://doi.org/10.21950/D1RZ7O, e-cienciaDatos, V1
Se incluyen datos cualitativos en una base de datos que recopila palabras clave e ideas breves provenientes de cada participante. Se incluyen datos sobre: a) el perfil de los participantes: tipo de servicios, situaciones en las que se requieren sus servicios, órganos que requiere...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 14", https://doi.org/10.21950/EMR77O, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 26", https://doi.org/10.21950/F3O3IV, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 25", https://doi.org/10.21950/AI7K8I, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 24", https://doi.org/10.21950/R1MQHP, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 23", https://doi.org/10.21950/CQ84WT, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 22", https://doi.org/10.21950/5D8MZQ, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
12 abr. 2024 - Dealing with a Resurgent China (DWARC)
Santander Oliván, Mario, 2024, "Interview in Spain 21", https://doi.org/10.21950/N7IQKC, e-cienciaDatos, V1
The reemergence of China is changing the world, and that EU needs to develop a long-term approach based on research-based knowledge in order to engage strategically with an increasingly assertive China. This dataset consists of a semi-structured interview with a person of Chinese...
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