e-cienciaDatos web Survey

e-cienciaDatos is the research data repository of the Consorcio Madroño Universities. It is a member of the Harvard Dataverse Network, suitable for major publishers (Elsevier, Springer, etc.). It is H2020 compliant.

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7,051 to 7,060 of 8,031 Results
Adobe PDF - 50,7 KB - MD5: 555fa309c97755c915937597f004f216
Texto plano - 13,2 KB - MD5: bdcbeab0de0092403281b6bcd87e705f
Audio Waveform - 93,7 MB - MD5: b4d33ba01bd4ac7c4b35282b7d45c0d0
Vídeo WebM - 268,2 MB - MD5: 03039ffb86abacc0f19515fbad8aacd3
Texto plano - 7,9 KB - MD5: 43c88869cded3eb7e54130537c5fa6f7
Vídeo MPEG-4 - 4,2 GB - MD5: 651d8bbebbfdaf569517a1b3e9d71208
Vídeo MPEG-4 - 2,6 GB - MD5: b80ec639659acf3a8679871ccb78390d
Texto plano - 37,1 KB - MD5: 69944d0bafeb08a0a963ad41ab41951a
Texto plano - 4,9 KB - MD5: 448abbce33f235d4707b19198adb4efd
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