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71 to 80 of 895 Results
Texto plano - 4,8 KB - MD5: 24b58ceab878384946908bf618aeb476
Archivo ZIP - 21,6 MB - MD5: 2b9830fc5ebcdb7d7a6c1938c9f33195
Dec 16, 2021 - Yearly Local Disturbance index datasets
Guerrero Ortega, Antonio; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Saiz Villanueva, Elena, 2021, "Local Geomagnetic index (LDi) for 2002 at different locations", https://doi.org/10.21950/HYX2VP, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This local geomagnetic index indicates the perturbation of the geomagnetic field (horizontal component) for several locations. It is a measure of the external to the Earth irregular geomagnetic variations. It is obtained after removing a baseline and the daily regular variation f...
Texto plano - 4,8 KB - MD5: 501fb50f67440eac12dba0d0934eaf88
Archivo ZIP - 24,8 MB - MD5: 79ce9a090a39f6742a51e19670e45b50
Dec 16, 2021 - Yearly Local Disturbance index datasets
Guerrero Ortega, Antonio; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Saiz Villanueva, Elena, 2021, "Local Geomagnetic index (LDi) for 2001 at different locations", https://doi.org/10.21950/GCT4GR, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This local geomagnetic index indicates the perturbation of the geomagnetic field (horizontal component) for several locations. It is a measure of the external to the Earth irregular geomagnetic variations. It is obtained after removing a baseline and the daily regular variation f...
Texto plano - 4,8 KB - MD5: 1486901bae9d2bdee60c21ae3aafbf57
Archivo ZIP - 24,7 MB - MD5: 94d42a17ee934bdd2d02dcf895a08e94
Dec 16, 2021 - Yearly Local Disturbance index datasets
Guerrero Ortega, Antonio; Cid Tortuero, Consuelo; Saiz Villanueva, Elena, 2021, "Local Geomagnetic index (LDi) for 2011 at different locations", https://doi.org/10.21950/X2AMAQ, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This local geomagnetic index indicates the perturbation of the geomagnetic field (horizontal component) for several locations. It is a measure of the external to the Earth irregular geomagnetic variations. It is obtained after removing a baseline and the daily regular variation f...
Texto plano - 4,8 KB - MD5: 8ea5fad6c1f59cec38490b9c0243c937
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