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20 feb. 2024
Vera Baquero, Fernando Leonardo; Gañán Aceituno, Judith; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Chiral HPLC-MS/MS determination of hyoscyamine enantiomers in baby herbal infusions after preconcentration with sulfonic HMS mesostructured silica synthesized by co-condensation",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the information of the samples used in the study, as well as the results obtained for the chiral separation of (+)- and (-)-hyoscyamine using different chiral stationary phases and elution modes, followed by the purification step by solid-phase extraction,...
5 dic. 2023
Casado Hidalgo, Gema; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2023, "Design and Optimisation of Sustainable Sample Treatments Based on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction and Strong Cation-Exchange Purification with Functionalised SBA-15 for Opium Alkaloids in Ground Poppy Seeds",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the optimisation of the analytical methodology, firstly the design of experiments carried out to optimise the extraction step, specifically with ultrasound-assisted extraction, and then the purification step by solid phase extraction. Then al...
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