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1 a 4 de 4 Resultados
5 jul. 2024
Casado Navas, Natalia; Casado Hidalgo, Gema; González Gómez, Lorena; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2024, "Insight into the Impact of Food Processing and Culinary Preparations on the Stability and Content of Plant Alkaloids Considered as Natural Food Contaminants",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of evolution in the number of food alerts that have noted high levels of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), tropane alkaloids (TAs) and opium alkaloids (OAs) from 2012 to 2022, distribution of food alerts based on the food type contaminated, overvie...
7 may. 2024
Gema Casado Hidalgo; Sonia Morante Zarcero; Damián Pérez Quintanilla; Isabel Sierra Alonso, 2024, "Investigating the effect of different grinding conditions and methods on the concentration of opium alkaloids in poppy seeds as a good reduction practice",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the optimal parameters of multiple reaction mode for the analysis of six opium alkaloids and two internal standards by HPLC-MS/MS, the matrix-matched calibration curves corrected with isotope-labelled IS employed to quantification of OAs in g...
7 may. 2024
Begoña Fernández Pintor; Gema Paniagua; Judith Gañán Aceituno; Sonia Morante Zarcero; Rosa María Garcinuño; Pilar Fernández; Isabel Sierra Alonso, 2024, "Determination of atropine and scopolamine in honey using a miniaturized polymer-based solid-phase extraction protocol prior to the analysis by HPLC-MS/MS",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the information of the samples used in the study, as well as the characterization of the synthesyzed polymers. Also includes the results obtained for the optimization of the solid-phase extraction procedure and the validation of this methodology, the reusab...
5 dic. 2023
Casado Hidalgo, Gema; Morante Zarcero, Sonia; Pérez Quintanilla, Damián; Sierra Alonso, Isabel, 2023, "Design and Optimisation of Sustainable Sample Treatments Based on Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction and Strong Cation-Exchange Purification with Functionalised SBA-15 for Opium Alkaloids in Ground Poppy Seeds",, e-cienciaDatos, V1
This database includes the results of the optimisation of the analytical methodology, firstly the design of experiments carried out to optimise the extraction step, specifically with ultrasound-assisted extraction, and then the purification step by solid phase extraction. Then al...
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